How To Strengthen Your Intuition (8 Insightful Steps)

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Intuition. Otherwise known as ‘gut instinct’. What actually is it?

When facing a difficult decision, we are often told to listen to our gut.

It is widely accepted that our ‘gut’ is never wrong. If we make a bad choice, it is usually because we went against our intuition. Instead, we listened to what others’ told us to do, or what society would deem the best choice for us.

So, what is this thing called intuition? How do we trust it?

What is Intuition?

Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without a conscious source.

It is also described as a ‘knowing’. We often don’t know how we know, there is no experience or conscious knowledge to call upon.

Carl Jung believed that intuition was as a result of tapping into the collective unconsciousness. He believed we were acquiring knowledge from a collective source. Perhaps as a result of the experiences of others including our ancestors.

If we are able to tap in to this knowledge, why do we have a hard time recognising it, or trusting it?

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What Has Happened to Our Intuition?

Modern society has caused most of us to repress our intuition.

We have unlimited information at our finger tips. How many of you have taken to the internet when getting into a new relationship? Searched different compatabitly elements? Taken ‘love’ tests, searched for ‘relationship time frames’ out of fear things are moving too quickly, or too slowly.

Perhaps you’ve searched average salaries for people your age.

Maybe you have even turned to search engines for answers to other questions like should I get married? How many children should I have? Should I have children at all? Should I change careers?

I could go on. I imagine I’ve already mentioned something you have searched at one time or another.

We are scared to listen to our intuition. We are looking for validation for what we already know if we were to just pay attention.

Ignoring Your Intuition

Have you been in a relationship that didn’t work out? If you’re honest with yourself, did you have a gut feeling that it wasn’t right?

Relationships are probably the number one time we ignore our intuition.

Our minds favour our desire for it to work out instead of our intuition. Why would you throw away a potentially great relationship on a ‘gut feeling’? I imagine we have all been there.

And yet, without fail, your gut is always right.

If only you’d have listened to your intuition, you could have saved yourself a lot of pain. But you’ll probably do it again.

Do you want to know why?

Because your intuition has been repressed and it is not strong enough to guide you without any doubt. While there is doubt, there is a chance your gut feeling is wrong.

I appreciate the above example may not apply to you all. You may be lucky enough to have avoided the failed relationships. If that’s the case, I bet you still know someone who hasn’t been so lucky and, has even said to you “I should have listened to my gut”.

Acting on Your Intuition

Think of a time when you have listened to your intuition.

Are you thinking about that job you took? The time you moved to a new City? The time you decided on which University to attend? Or maybe something else like investing in Crypto before it took off?

Whatever it is, I believe that there are times when it’s easier to listen to our intuition; and that’s when the decision is in line with our ego.

The ego would likely be happy with any one of the life events I mentioned because they progress our lives in the view of society.

What if your intuition was telling you to quit a highly respected and well-paid career, in favour of a minimum wage job or an uncertain freelance career? What if it was telling you to sell your house and live in a caravan? Would you still listen to it?

I am talking from personal experience; it really is a leap of faith trusting in your intuition when it’s going against what your ego wants for you.

Why We Should Trust Our Intuition

I believe that if we really tap into our intuition, it is never wrong.

It is a tool we can use to live on our highest vibrational paths. It makes us more authentic as individuals. We will never intuitively and knowingly do bad things.

When you really learn to trust your intuition, the stress is taken out of decisions. Obsessive overthinking is no longer needed.

Living on our highest paths will make manifestation much easier. The Law of Attraction is directly linked to your vibrational frequency.

How To Strengthen Your Intuition

See – 3 Meditation Techniques for Beginners That Actually Work

Meditation allows us to quieten the mind which is mostly ego driven. Intuition comes from a place beyond the ego. It will be much easier to tap into this part of ourselves when we have a regular meditation routine.

In moments when you can quieten and focus your mind, this is when your intuition will be at its strongest.

Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, before you forget them. Paying attention to even the smallest detail will open up the intuitive part of you.

Dreams are often symbolic and are a way for your intuition to speak to you.

I recommend using the notes app on your phone for this. Or download a journaling app. Usually we have our phones with us at all times so we can easily record random thoughts whenever they strike.

I have had random thoughts pop into my head at all times; in the supermarket, in the shower, while driving or out walking.

No matter how random or irrelevant they seem, write them down.

For months before I had the idea of starting this blog, I was writing down the odd sentence or even paragraphs of things that I wanted to say that would pop into my head.

I believe this was my intuition getting me ready for this. The idea to start a blog came to me just as quickly and randomly, like the thought was put into my head. Less than a week later, I launched Curious About Spirit.

I have also used many of the sentences and paragraphs that I wrote down over the months in various articles already published. They have been a source of inspiration.

Often our body will intuitively react in physical ways.

Usually this will manifest as a feeling in the gut area. Possibly a sick feeling, a weight or an unease. Or it might be a lighter feeling like bubbling or an increase in energy.

Sometimes this reaction if obvious in relation to the situation you are facing, but, not always. A random idea might pop into your head and cause a physical reaction. Listen and take note of what your body is telling you.

In order to trust your intuition, you have to have an element of faith.

Ultimately trust is a choice and it can feel scary to apply it when the outcome is not certain. However, you can’t strengthen something you don’t have faith in.

Even if you are a sceptic, I recommend this. You don’t have to act on or believe what you are told, you can book a reading out of curiosity if nothing else.

A reputable Psychic will be able to help you tap into your intuition. If you are unsure of your own gut feelings, they can give you the confirmation you need. They can give you a confidence to trust yourself.

You might associate using your intuition with big life decisions only. That’s not the case though.

We are faced with hundreds of decisions every day. The consequences of most are not overly significant but that doesn’t mean you can’t use them to practice.

The best way to do this is to feel the decision instead of think it. Allow me to explain what I mean.

Which route do you take home from work? Imagine there are two options, both similar in distance.

You might use your live maps to check traffic to decide the route. Instead, try just feeling which way to go. You might get it wrong a few times but, this is good practice. Worst case scenario, you’re home 5 minutes later.

You can use this method for many daily decisions that have little consequence. Which supermarket do you go to? Which car park do you pick? Start feeling the answer instead of logically thinking it.

Do you find yourself in a bad mood for no reason?

It doesn’t have to be a bad mood necessarily; it could be a good mood even.

A mood in general that has no cause. You might have just been given some bad news but you’re still in a good mood?

This is your intuition talking to you. Pay attention to your mood as this is what should guide you not the bad news.

Maybe you’ve lost a big client or not been paid a bonus you were relying on. If your mood doesn’t match the situation, your intuition is telling you not to worry.

You Already Have All of The Answers

Next time to feel yourself reaching to the internet for answers, I urge you look within. You already know the answer. By listening to it you will strengthen your intuition.

Have faith. You are exactly where you’re supposed to be.

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