Law of Attraction: How to Manifest The Life of Your Dreams

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Do you believe it’s possible to manifest the life of your dreams?

Your answer to this question is true.

Law of Attraction Teachings

The law of attraction works on the principle that you have the ability to attract into your life that on which you focus.

Like attracts like is another way of putting it.

Like attracts like – Do you ever notice how people who like to cause drama tend to attract dramatic situations?

Do you ever look at them and think “how on earth did you get yourself into this?”

Someone recently said to me; “I’ve had a rubbish start to the year so far, I don’t think it’s going to be my year”. This was said to me in mid-January.

My prediction is that they are quite right, and it won’t be their year.

The law of attraction is always at work. It’s not only used for positive manifestations, it will work for negative manifestations too.

First Step in Understanding The Law of Attraction

Before you can start effectively manifesting, understanding the law of attraction and the energies you are putting out into the universe is key.

This is a huge subject. I recommend reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

This is a really good book offering an in-depth knowledge about the law of attraction. How to consciously incorporate it into everyday life, and how to use it to transform your life.

A very good friend of mine is the perfect example to summarise different energies that are being put out into the universe.

My friend is a naturally positive person. If I was to ask her about the energy she puts out, I know she would say it’s all positive.


She is a demon as soon as she gets behind the wheel.

Road rage is a common way we unconsciously lose ourselves in negativity. General impatience and stress are others.

None of us are perfect of course. Being mindful will help us to become more aware.

Let’s have a look at some other actions we can take when preparing to manifest.

Analyse your life from a neutral perspective.

Start with your core values and what you are passionate about. Some examples could be:

  • Being against hunting and the harming of animals in anyway
  • Being passionate about the environment. Perhaps concerned with plastic pollution or the burning of fossil fuels
  • Feeling strongly about the lack of support for certain groups of society
  • Feeing concerned about the sustainability of meat production and consumption
  • Being conscious about the chemicals we are exposed to daily

I could go on; I imagine there would be hundreds of values and passions amongst us.

Do all aspects of your life line up with your values and passions. Perhaps you don’t agree with animal testing, but you work for a company that actively funds it in a direct or indirect way.

This may take time if many aspects of your life are not in line, but it’s a good place to start.

By bringing all aspects of your life in line with your values, you will automatically move to a higher vibrational path.

If your actions are not in line with your beliefs, you will be putting out and attracting negative vibrations. Until you rectify this, your manifestation attempts for change won’t work without action.

Think about what the life of your dreams looks like.

What are your motivations?

Here are a few common examples of what people would like to manifest.

  • Money
  • Success/Power
  • Romantic Relationships
  • Children

Let’s say you want to earn one million pounds a year. What are your motivations? Why do you want this?

Do you want to earn this amount so that you are envied by others and considered successful? Or maybe you want that amount of money for material goods. So, you can have an expensive car and a big house.

These motivations are ego driven.

In order to successfully manifest your dreams, your dreams cannot be motivated by your ego.

Achieving a goal that is set with your ego at the forefront generally won’t make you happy in the long term.

Look at the many rich and famous people that appear to have it all. A lot of them are still striving for more, having not found true happiness in their achievements.

It’s rather paradoxical because in order to manifest, you have to recognise that you already have everything you need to be happy.

Let’s use the same example as above and look at motivations that are not so ego driven.

Earning one million pounds a year could mean you can provide for a family that has only known financial hardship. It might also give you the financial freedom to be able to be able help others.

There is an understanding that the money would not affect your current level of happiness and contentment. There is already so much to be grateful for. The motivations for manifesting the money are coming from the soul, not the ego.

Everything in life is energy vibrating at different frequencies.

Negativity is a lower vibrational energy; it’s heavy.

Just think how much lighter you feel after you’ve moved through something negative and managed to come out the other end to a more positive outlook.

Low vibration examples:

  • A negative thought process. “I can’t do that”, “I don’t want to go there”, “I’m never going to get that done”
  • Being unkind to others – Not necessarily directly. The obvious one is in the car, muttering under your breath to other drivers, pedestrians or cyclists.
  • Treating strangers without compassion. Having a completely detached attitude towards others
  • Stress – We’ve all had times where we are hurrying because of being late and feeling stressed because of it. This is the time you generally hit every red light. Ever wondered why that is?

How you can raise your vibrations:

  • A smile goes a long way – Smiling at people you pass in the street can brighten your day, and theirs
  • Showing compassion – Treating people in a kind manner, even when faced with the road rage monster. Showing understanding and compassion in a mindful manor will undoubtedly raise your vibrations
  • Slow down and see the beauty in things – Appreciate a good view, admire the architecture of an old building, bask in the warmth of the sunlight on your face.
  • Meditate – 3 Meditation Techniques for Beginners That Actually Work
  • Practice gratitude – This one is really important. We’ll look more at the role of gratitude in manifesting in a moment.

How to Manifest

Now we’ve done the groundwork, let’s look at what steps you can to take to start manifesting your dream life.

You should have a clear understanding of what your dream life looks like now as well as your motivations.

You should also be consciously keeping your vibrations high. Raise Your Vibration by Kyle Gray is another great book on the subject.

1. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude and manifesting are completely interconnected. You can’t have one without the other.

Gratitude is a way of reprogramming your mind to focus on the positives. You can teach your brain to think more positively by documenting things you are grateful for every day.

I recommend writing down 5 things you are grateful for every day.

There will be lots of things you can be grateful for. Even starting with having a roof over your head, having food in the cupboard. Maybe you’re thankful you have a dishwasher, so you don’t have to wash up after a tough day.

The more you look for the positives, the more you’ll find.

2. Believe the Wheels Are in Motion

Belief is another very important element. If you don’t believe, it won’t happen.

Whatever it is you want to manifest, you must believe that the wheels are already in motion to make it happen.

Because they are.

You may need to be patient and, you will need to be persistent. Don’t give up on your belief.

The timing of everything in life is down to the universe. You are exactly where to need to be, and your dreams will arrive at the perfect time.

3. Journaling Everyday

Getting into the habit of journaling everyday has a multitude of benefits.

I was someone who never used to journal. I always skipped that part when reading blogs similar to this one. I didn’t see the point in putting pen to paper when it was all in my head.

I was wrong. I now have a journal by my bed to record dreams. And a journalling app on my phone to write down any random thoughts that come into my mind. I use the app for the daily gratitude entries too.

The process of writing it down makes a huge difference. I recommend journaling about the life you want to manifest too. Write about it like it’s already happening.

Psychologically this will help you believe in the process.

Happy Manifesting

So, there we have it. I have to say, I have only skimmed the surface on the subjects of manifestation and the law of attraction.

You must read The Secret if you want to learn more. Understanding the law of attraction can change your life.

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