
Signs From Beyond the Grave: Messages From Our Loved Ones

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Is it possible to receive signs from beyond the grave? Or is it wishful thinking combined with coincidence?

Can our loved ones communicate with us?

I wrote about synchronicity and coincidences here – Synchronicity: Coincidence or Signs From the Universe?

When we pay attention, we get some incredible signs from the universe. What about from our loved ones whom have passed?

Did I Receive a Sign From My Mum?

The inspiration for this article happened because of two signs I received one morning recently.

I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Could these be just coincidences? What are the chances of them both happening in the same morning just 2 days after my Mum’s birthday?

The first sign happened as I opened Google Maps on my phone which is the app I use for Sat Nav.

Before I got the chance to type in my destination, I noticed that in my recently searched destinations was my Mum’s old address.

I haven’t been to that address or put it in my Sat Nav for over a year.

A Google glitch possibly? All the other addresses were from recent searches I remembered making.

It got me thinking though. I text a screenshot to my friend and told her that I was excited this could be a sign from my Mum.

Not long after this, I was driving along listening to music. I always have my own playlist on shuffle playing in the car. It’s nearly 16 hours long, over 230 songs.

I was still ponding over the address being a possible sign. So, I spoke out loud and said “Mum, if you really are able to send me signs, I need another one… There’s a song on this playlist by Janelle Monae, (it was one of my Mum’s favourite songs) make it play next.

As ‘Champagne Supernova’ by Oasis came to end, ‘Make Me Feel’ by Janelle Monae started playing.

Now what are the chances of that? Well, 1 in 230 actually.

But combine that with my Mum’s address showing up in recently searched addresses, the odds are significantly lower.

How Should We Interpret These Signs?

Whichever way you look at it, there has to be an element of faith.

How can anyone scientifically prove these are messages coming from beyond the grave? It’s just not something that can be measured and observed under scientific conditions.

However, there is some solid ‘evidence’ out there that’s hard to dismiss as coincidence.

Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson

In her book, Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe, Laura Lynne Jackson teaches the way we can recognise signs from the other side and find the meaning.

There are also many stories in the book of people Laura-Lynne Jackson knows personally. She tells incredible stories about their personal experiences of signs received from beyond the grave.

Street Signs

I received another sign a few weeks after a loved one had passed. I’d almost forgotten about it, and I dismissed it as a complete coincidence at the time.

I was following my Sat Nav to an address around an hour away.

The Sat Nav directed me to take a left turn off the main road. I knew it was the wrong direction but, I wasn’t really thinking, I blindly followed the directions.

The left turn took me through an industrial estate. There were many left and right turns and I was convinced I would come to a dead end.

Eventually I joined a queue of traffic leading up to a roundabout back on the main road I had just left.

And now, I was stuck in traffic. Great!

As I was crawling along, wondering why the Sat Nav had taken me in a big circle away from my route, I noticed the name of the road I was on. It was the same name as the person I’d lost just a few weeks prior.


Shortly after my Mum passed, my Stepdad and I were in the process of making the funeral arrangements.

We had already chosen the flowers and almost everything was in place.

One morning, I was making myself a coffee. I had a random thought pop into my head. I started thinking about sunflowers.

The word sunflower was in my head, I could visualise the bright yellow of a sunflower too.

Around 30 minutes later, my phone rings. It’s my Stepdad, and he said, “we’ve picked the wrong flowers, we need to change them to sunflowers”.

The idea had suddenly hit him that morning around the same time I had been thinking of sunflowers too.

My Mum loved sunflowers but neither of us had thought about that. We had originally picked a type of lily.

Mum had other ideas.

How Signs Can Help Us Heal

As I’ve already said, there isn’t any way to prove these ‘signs’ are any more than coincidences and wishful thinking.

However, I believe it’s important we wishful think away.

When we lose a loved one, I’m not sure we are ever really the same again. We learn to adapt, and we do it well but, the loss of the physical presence of that person stays with you.

From personal experience, I know that looking out for, and receiving these signs provides great comfort.

It makes me feel excited to believe the possibility that this form of communication is possible.

I imagine this would excite our loved ones on the other side too. If they are sending signs, it must be frustrating if we ignore them.

If we start to notice them, I believe they’ll start happening more often.

Why not get creative and start asking for specific signs. We can start to see just what’s possible.

We don’t necessarily need a Medium to be able to communicate with our loved ones.

What signs have you received lately?

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