5 Must Read Books for Anyone on a Spiritual Journey

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For those of you that regularly follow my blog, you will know I make a lot of book recommendations.

When I was experiencing, and completely consumed by my own grief, I tried to find answers in books.

And boy did I find answers. I found answers to questions I didn’t even know I should be asking. It was my love of reading that started me on my spiritual journey.

There is so much information available at our fingertips on the internet. A quick search and we can find answers to our questions for free.

Despite this, there is draw to reading books for information. I’m not sure if it’s the quality of information and the way it’s written or, if it’s psychological because you would usually pay for a book. Perhaps you want to absorb more of the information in a book, to get your moneys’ worth.

Or it could be that there is too much information on the internet, and you’re not connected to the writer in the same way you are connected to a book author.

For me personally, I think it’s to do with forming a connection to the author.

If you prefer audio books instead of reading, click the picture below for Amazon’s Audible and you can sign up for a 30-day free trial.

Alternatively, below is a link to Amazon’s Unlimited Kindle for which you can also get a 30-day free trail.

If you read or listen to audio books as much as I do, you’ll definitely save money.

Book Recommendations to Help You on Your Spiritual Journey

It’s going to be difficult to narrow these recommendations down to just five but here goes.

1. After This by Claire Bidwell Smith

The Author of this book was a sceptic much like myself. For the purposes of research, Smith has explored many areas of the metaphysical.

“Claire Bidwell Smith undergoes past-life regressions, sessions with mediums and psychics and immerses herself in the ceremonies of organised religion and the rigour of scientific experiments to try to find answers.”

2. WTF Just Happened?! by Elizabeth Entin

The front cover reads “A sciencey-skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife”.

Elizabeth Entin was another sceptic, until she lost her father and went in search of answers.

I love the perspective this author writes from. She had zero belief in an afterlife of any kind. Reading her journey is both amusing and heart-warming.

“With a skeptical eye and a profound passion for understanding the inexplicable, Liz studies psychic mediums, takes classes on ghost hunting, attends a seance, attempts spoon bending and volunteers for an organization that scientifically researches mediums.”

3. The Light Between Us by Laura Lynne Jackson

Laura Lynne Jackson is a psychic medium. I have read many books written by psychic mediums. The reason this one stands out is because Laura Lynne Jackson is very ‘down to earth’. She is just as surprised by her abilities as you or I would be.

She talks about her own abilities with an air of curiosity. She wants to be tested and to understand how this is possible.

“Laura Lynne Jackson has been receiving communications from the afterlife since she was a child.

In The Light Between Us she takes us through her struggle to come to terms with her gift, and how she has used it to help others.

Through her moving and uplifting stories of the people she has helped, Laura Lynne shares her knowledge of how to understand these messages of love, and how we can use them to help us live more peacefully in the present.”

4. Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr Brian Weiss

I was hooked from cover to cover of this book. I couldn’t put it down preferring instead to keep reading to find out what happened in the next session.

This is a true story which is a remarkable story of Dr Brian Weiss and his sessions with his patient, Catherine.

I always enjoy sceptical approaches. I believe it makes these revelations more mind blowing when they are approached with a sceptical mind and other explanations are considered.

“Psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss had been working with Catherine, a young patient, for eighteen months. Cathrine was suffering from recurring nightmares and chronic anxiety attacks. When his traditional methods of therapy failed, Dr Weiss turned to hypnosis and was astonished and sceptical when Catherine began recalling pat-life traumas which seemed to hold the key to her problems.”

5. The Afterlife of Billy Fingers by Annie Kagan

This book was recommended to me by a friend, and I took a while to get around to reading it.

It’s not written from the same sceptical view point I usually enjoy. However, this book contains profound messages.

Even if you are a sceptic, the insights this book offers are fascinating. I felt like I was learning secrets of the universe as well as the meaning of our life on earth.

“Billy’s ongoing after-death communications takes his sister on an unprecedented journey into the bliss and wonder of life beyond death. Billy’s profound, detailed description of the mystical realms he traverses, the Beings of Light that await him, and the wisdom he receives take the reader beyond the near-death experience. Billy is, indeed, as Dr Raymond Moody points out in his foreword, explaining the phenomena we’ve known about since ancient times, an afterworld walker.

Happy Reading

So, there you have my top 5 book recommendations to help you on your spiritual journey.

Your spiritual journey will be completely unique and that’s the beauty of it. I hope that by sharing the books that have impacted my spiritual journey, I am able to offer you the same assistance.

Related Post – A Sceptics Introduction to the Afterlife

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