Psychic Soulmate Drawing: Real or Scam?

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In a world where the search for love and connection is ever-present, the allure of psychic guidance draws many seekers to platforms like Etsy.

All you need to do is search ‘soulmate drawing’ and you will be presented with thousands of results from psychics offering to draw your future soulmate within 24 hours and provide you with a reading covering things from the characteristics of your soulmate to when and where you will meet.

To my surprise, many of these psychics have thousands of 5-star reviews.

I am sure most of you will be with me in assuming this is nothing but a gimmicky bit of fun at best.

I selected one of the many options on Etsy and was notified that there were ten other people that had purchased this item in the last 24 hours. Assuming then that ten people per day purchase a psychic drawing for the average price of £11. That seems a lot of work to tune in, draw a portrait and give a reading ten times a day for £110.

On the other hand, a quick copy and paste ten times a day for £110 isn’t a bad side hustle.

There was only one thing for it; I needed to run my own experiment.

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With very low expectations, I took to Etsy and scanned through the many options for psychic soulmate drawings and, I selected three psychics. In this article I will share with you my drawings and conclusions.

I am currently single. Sadly, the man I thought was my soulmate passed away and so, I was very interested to see what these drawings would come out like. Would any of them look like him, or was he never destined to be my soulmate?

I was later told by one of the psychics that we all have more than one soulmate. Our life can take many paths as can the life of our soulmates. Therefore, who we meet i.e. which soulmate we meet, depends on our choices (and their choices) made up to that point.

Think of the movie Sliding Doors. One small moment such as catching or missing a train can alter your entire life path and point you in the direction of a different soulmate.

I can’t help but wonder then, how many soulmates do we have? And what is a soulmate?

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What is a Soulmate?

The concept of a soulmate is deeply rooted in the idea of finding a unique and profound connection with another individual.

It goes beyond compatibility and shared interests; it is a sense of knowing and understanding one another on a much deeper level. A sense of spiritual alignment.

Soulmates are believed to share a bond that extends across numerous lifetimes, with the notion that their souls have known each other long before they met in their current lives.

For some, a soulmate is seen as a romantic partner, while for others, a soulmate can be a friend, a family member, or even a pet.

Regardless of the specific interpretation, the essence of a soulmate lies in the deep sense of recognition, comfort and belonging.

Is it therefore more accurate to assume we have a large soul group made up of souls we have spent many other lifetimes with?

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It’s hard to theorise how large our soul groups could be. Imagine how many people in your lifetime will have an impact on your life. All of those people from a teacher at school, to family members and friends.

All of the people we are yet to meet too, some of which could be romantic soulmates.

When you consider this, it’s even more difficult to believe a psychic on Etsy can draw your romantic soulmate, especially if there are many possible options.

My Soulmate Drawings

The first Etsy seller I chose was TarotandReading. The description read:

Soulmate Drawing + Tarot Reading, SAME HOUR, Fast Delivery, Your Future Husband/Wife, Soulmate Reading, Draw My Soulmate

The cost was £11.71. When making the purchase, I gave my name, gender, date of birth and sexual orientation. This was to allow the psychic to “tune into my energy and provide me with deep insights into my love life”.

The reading promised me a black and white drawing of my future soulmate and a detailed tarot reading to unveil his characteristics, emotions, and energies.

Allow me to share with you my drawing.

WELL HELLO! If this man is my soulmate, I am one lucky lady!

I think it is a big IF.

It is obviously a computer-generated image. I imagine this is for speed, to draw this by hand would take much longer than the hour promised for delivery.

The tarot reading I received along with the drawing made this man sound like any woman’s dream.

Honestly, I thought the tarot reading was so generic and made me think this was just a copy and paste. As much as I very much fancy the man in the drawing, I strongly suspected he was AI generated or copied and pasted.

The second Etsy seller I chose was ArtZenArtist. The description read:

Psychic Drawing. Soulmate Drawing. Full-color drawing of your future soulmate. Digital delivery 6-12 hours.

The cost was £5.85 for the sketch and reading. I paid a higher amount for a colour sketch. Only my name and date of birth was required for this psychic to tune into me.

This was the drawing I received.

Unfortunately, I managed to delete the email that contained the reading before I saved it.

I remember that the reading said this man would have a summer birthday, his name would include the letter Z and we would meet in September 2024 in a busy place.

Once again, the image is computer generated. But the reading is a lot more specific.

I like specific because I can measure the accuracy. At the time of posting this, in March 2024, I am unable to verify any of the information but, I will report back after September.

The third and final Etsy seller I chose was ThePsychicBeing. The description read:

As SEEN ON TV – I Will Draw & Describe Your Future Soulmate Psychic Reading Sketch by The Psychic Being

The cost was £14.56 (On offer at the time). I gave my details including my sexual preference again and waited.

This is the drawing I received:

And the reading that came with it:

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Comparing the Soulmate Drawings

Surprisingly, there are similarities. The two colour drawings in particular look similar.

The key points I noticed are:

  • The mouth is the same shape on all three
  • They all have a slightly hooded left eye
  • The facial hair and head hair are all similar

The biggest difference I noticed is the eye colour. They are blue on the middle drawing only.

What the Psychic Said

I reached out to all three psychics after receiving my soulmate drawings.

ThePsychicBeing, who provided the final drawing, replied to me with great enthusiasm.

Melinda was keen to share her process with me. I showed her all three drawings and Melinda found the fact there were similarities very interesting.

She went on to explain that she believed we each have multiple soulmates that we have the potential to meet throughout our lifetime, each playing a role in our personal, emotional and spiritual growth.

Melinda explains her process below.

The process begins with a deep meditative state, where I focus on connecting with the universal energy that surrounds you. It’s in this state that I invite my intuition and psychic abilities to guide me. Your energy serves as a beacon, helping me to tune into your unique vibrational frequency. This connection is crucial as it allows me to access the spiritual realm where information about your future, including the essence of your soulmate, resides.

With your energy as a guide, I then start to receive visions, emotions, and sometimes even specific messages about your future soulmate. These psychic impressions come to me in various forms – as colors, symbols and direct visualizations of the person. It’s a deeply intuitive process, where I rely on my psychic abilities to interpret the energies and translate them into a coherent and detailed sketch of your future soulmate. Obviously, I throw in my own artist style when I sketch out my visions, so they aren’t always 100% but usually from experience they’re pretty accurate. 

About me

I have been a practising psychic from a very young age. Growing up I was extremely creative and I was quite a talented artist. I really started getting into portrait art when I was around 18. I then decided to fuse my two talents together.

If you would like your own soulmate drawing from Melinda at The Psychic Being, she has kindly given me an affiliate link directly to her page. Just click here, or on the picture below.

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At the start of this experiment, I was convinced this would be a scam. To be honest, I still think it is with so many of the sellers on Etsy claiming to be psychics.

Liaising with Melinda however has made me wonder if there might be some genuine psychics offering these soulmate drawings.

Melinda doesn’t claim to be 100% accurate and when you consider that we have many possible soulmates, she’s right not to claim accuracy.

The other thing that intrigues me is the similarities in the drawings I received. This could just be coincidence; I still have a feeling at least one of my drawings is AI generated.

My conclusion is that this is a little bit of fun. I was curious to see what my drawings would look like.

When I meet my next soulmate, I will report back in another article how accurate these drawings turned out to be.

You might need to wait a while though. I have a feeling that if I start taking pictures of every guy on a first date claiming he is my soulmate, there might not be a second date.

If you have any soulmate drawing experiences, please comment and share, I’d love to hear about them.

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    1. I believe we all have many potencial soulmates, it’s depends on our path through this life as to which soulmates we meet. I hope you meet your destined soulmate soon.

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