
After Death Communication: What is Possible?

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Hello curious soul! If you are a follower of my blog, you may have read my posts about after death communication. I have written personal accounts of signs from beyond the grave and synchronicities.

Signs From Beyond the Grave: Messages From Our Loved Ones

Synchronicity: Coincidence or Signs From the Universe?

Just the other day I received a sign from my other half who is now in spirit. I had been thinking about him a lot, asking him questions in my head.

The last text message he sent me before he passed read ‘I love you to the moon and back’.

I was working late one evening, and a friend I know through work sent me a text. The text contained a picture of her new-born baby who was 3 weeks old.

Any new parent will know that you can take a lot of pictures of a new-born in 3 weeks.

The picture my friend had chosen to send me, was one of her baby sleeping. He was wearing a baby grow that said, ‘I love you to the moon and back’.

The following day, I was speaking to another friend who is a psychic medium, and they said to me, “you had a message last night didn’t you?”

Up until that point, I was questioning if it was a message or a coincidence; this was the confirmation I needed for my own mind.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, this isn’t solid evidence for the hard-core sceptics among us. This could be put down to nothing more than a coincidence.

It got me thinking, I have read many accounts of other people’s experiences with after death communication. Some of these accounts are incredible and there is no room for doubt if they are true.

So, how come some people experience incredible phenomenon, while others either don’t get any signs, or get signs that require a degree of faith and belief?

The signs I have received for example, although I believe they are signs, I am fully aware there is no solid evidence. I cannot say with 100% certainty that I am not simply willing these signs from my own subconsciousness.

Why can’t my loved ones give me undeniable proof of their existence like some of the cases I have read about?

After Death Communication (20 Examples)

After death communication seems to come in many forms. There are common examples as well as unique and incredible examples.

Common after death communication examples include:

1. Dreams featuring the deceased person

Also known as visitation dreams.

What sets these dreams apart from a normal dream is how vivid they are. You are often able to physically feel and smell your loved one when they appear to you.

Some people have reported their deceased loved ones have told them information about what it’s like on the other side during the dream.

People often wake up and have a feeling of peace and love wash over them.

You are able to vividly remember visitation dreams when you are awake. Often with normal dreams, we will forget the majority of the details.

2. Feeling their presence

This can feel similar to goosebumps.

Often felt in the crown chakra area, the feeling can be subtle or intense depending on how tuned in you are.

As I have been working on tuning into my own intuition, the feeling I get now is very intense and I can feel it all the way down my spine.

3. Seeing signs or symbols associated with your loved one

This could be anything symbolic.

For me it is an emoji. For others, I have read it could be a star sign, numbers or even a specific tattoo.

4. Hearing their voice

Maybe there is something your loved one would say a lot. Can you hear them saying it in your mind?

Sometimes we can hear it as we are waking up or going to sleep. Or in a crowded place, causing you to turn and look for the source only to not find one.

5. Smelling their scent

Smells are a common example of after death communication. The smell of your loved one’s aftershave or perfume specifically.

Sometimes it’s possible to have pillars of scent where you can smell it in one spot only.

6. Finding objects that remind you of them in unusual places

Sunflowers are often a sign I look out for from my Mum. During the spring it’s common to see sunflowers everywhere but perhaps not in the gym, which is the last place I saw a sunflower and thought of my mum.

7. Feeling sudden changes in energy or temperature

Feeling a change in the atmosphere around you.

Perhaps you were thinking about your loved one and then you notice a drop in temperature, or a draft with no obvious source.

8. Receiving messages via a medium

A gifted medium can receive communication directly from your loved one and relay this to you.

I have seen first-hand evidence of this communication on several occasions now and, it never ceases to blow my mind.

This type of after death communication is the solid evidence I have witnessed, and it is this alone that has led me to my belief in the signs and communication I have directly received since.

It is the belief that triggers everything else, you need an open mind. A curious open mind in my case.

9. Receiving phone calls or text messages from them

I am yet to experience this, but I have read about A LOT of people who have experienced this phenomenon.

Receiving a phone call or a text message from your deceased loved one.

This is an incredible sign for those who have experienced it. Often it is a blank text, or there is no-one on the line when the call is answered. The number is usually out of service when this happens which rules out somebody else having the phone and making the call, or the number having been re-assigned.

I read one account of a mother receiving a text message from her son who had recently passed. His phone was turned off and in a draw. The text message to his mum’s phone read “I am ok”.

The number went straight to voicemail as the phone was turned off and the number hadn’t been re-assigned.

10. Animals behaving strangely for no apparent reason

My dog will often stare at a spot in the hallway for a long period of time.

This is common with pets; some dogs will bark at a spot in the corner of a room.

Animals are more in tune with shifts in energy than we are. I believe they can sense our loved ones when they are around us.

11. Receiving sudden vivid memories or flashbacks out of the blue

You might be watching TV or reading a book and suddenly a random memory of a trip you took with a loved one will pop into your mind.

The chances are your loved one put it in your mind because they were thinking about that memory.

12. Hearing their favourite song title or lyrics repeatedly

Lyrics from songs can often be said in day-to-day conversation.

“I will always love you”

“A little help from my friends”

“Don’t stop believing”

Our loved ones can easily influence this by putting the lyric in the head of the person talking. They will be completely unaware.

You might notice a certain phrase being said a lot by people around you.

13. Feeling sudden waves of emotion without a clear trigger

Similar to having flashback of memories, emotions can be triggers by our loved ones too.

You might randomly giggle at something that isn’t particularly funny. Or you might feel a wave of sadness if they are close by; caused by your subconscious being aware that they are there but not in the physical form you miss.

14. Finding feathers or coins in unusual places

I read an incredible story about energy manipulation from the other side.

One woman found a coin in her car that she knew wasn’t there the last time she was in it. She picked up the coin and it disappeared in front of her eyes, while she held it in her hands. Her daughter witnessed this happen too.

15. Seeing repeated numbers that hold significance

Not necessarily angel numbers, (repeated numbers such as 222) more like numbers that hold personal meaning to your loved one. A birthday or anniversary date, their favourite number, or the last digits of their phone number.

16. Experiencing electrical disturbances

The phone and text messages are one thing, I’ve heard of the radio randomly turning on when your loved one’s favourite song is on too.

Not just the radio either, they can have a bit of fun with anything electrical because electricity is easy for them to manipulate.

This reminds me of something my dad always says. He says “do you think they have nothing better to do than turn lights on and off all day? I hope when I die that I have better things to do”.

I mean, he has a point; however, if I were in spirit, I’d be turning his lights on and off all day to prove a point.

Joking aside, I am sure they do have better things to do but, it must be exciting for them to find ways they can communicate with us. Especially if we are open and receptive to that communication.

17. Receiving intuitive insights or guidance from them

If you are open to receiving intuitive guidance, this is a good one. You can develop your own language with them for guidance.

I mentioned earlier that I feel their presence with an intense tingling sensation on my head and down my spine.

When I am looking for guidance on something, I wait until I feel it and whatever thought is in my head at the time, is the answer to what I am asking.

Or, I had it the other day where I was looking up something online. When I got to the page that was most relevant, I felt the tingling as I clicked on the page. I took this to mean that the answer I wanted was on that page.

Related Post – How To Strengthen Your Intuition (8 Insightful Steps)

18. Feeling sudden urges to visit certain places or people

This often happens with thought energy. Do you get the urge to reach out to someone only to find they really needed your help with something, or they had something to tell you.

I’ve read accounts of people that have felt the urge to go to a certain place and, once there, they have met someone who needed their help.

Related Post – Synchronicity: Coincidence or Signs From the Universe?

19. Witnessing unexplained movements or actions

Some people see movement out of the corner of their eye only to find there is nothing there when they look.

Others, however, have seen physical manifestations of their loved ones appear to them; or they have seen the face of their loved one on another person which is then gone when they do a double take.

20. Finding objects mysteriously relocated or appearing

Years ago, I had a friend who lost her partner to a brain tumour.

Ever since he passed, her keys would go missing every time she looked for them. They would reappear in very random places five or ten minutes later.

Back then, I was a hard-core sceptic and just assumed she was very careless with her keys.

Now though, I have read so many accounts of similar things happening, it’s hard to remain sceptical to this type of after death communication.

Why Don’t We All Get the Phone Calls?

Not just the calls, but why can’t my departed loved ones appear to me physically? Or if they can, why don’t they when other souls do?

Why isn’t after death communication the same between every departed loved one and us?

I believe I have found the answer to these questions in a book I have recently read – My Son and the Afterlife by Elisa Medhus M.D.

This book deserves a post on its own with the number of answers I found in it to my many questions.

The Author’s son, Erik, is able to communicate with his family in some remarkable ways.

He explained that he is an advanced soul and that is how he believes he can manage this level of after death communication.

Soul Evolution

If we do in fact have many lifetimes here on this earth, the goal is to learn and evolve at a soul level.

If we learn the lessons we set out to learn during a lifetime, we are able to move on to a higher level. Our soul becomes more enlightened.

I therefore believe, you need to be an advanced soul to be able to achieve a high level of after death communication.

Imagine being a young and immature soul. If you have the ability for high level after death communication, you would likely abuse it.

My example of turning the lights on and off to prove a point probably suggests I am not an advanced soul.

Our Openness to Receiving After Death Communications

Even the most advanced souls still won’t be able to get through to us here on Earth if we are closed off to any possibility of after death communication.

In the book I mentioned above, Erik explains that our own beliefs play a vital role in our reality.

This is even the case after death. Interestingly, what we believe has a direct effect on what happens to us immediately after death. This goes some way to explaining why all near death experiences (NDE’s) are different.

Related Post – Near Death Experiences: A Glimpse into the Afterlife?

Anyway, I digress, back to after death communication.

Final Thoughts on After Death Communication

The title of this article is After Death Communication: What is Possible?

In answer that, I believe anything is possible, it all depends on our openness.

After death communication is possible with all of our deceased loved ones regardless of where they, or we are in the soul’s journey of evolution.

The more open we are, the easier it is for them to communicate. Developing our own language is possible and we can continue our relationship with them even though they are no longer here in a physical sense.

Do you have your own example of after death communication? Please do share with me if you have.

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