About me

My name is Carly. I live Norwich in the UK. I am just your average thirty something trying to make sense of the world we live in and, my place in it.

I wasn’t raised religious and I have never followed any particular religion. I use to rapidly dismiss anything even slightly ‘woo woo’. I believed all Psychic Mediums were probably scam artists and ghosts were just a figment of an overactive imagination. I believed that coincidences where exactly that, I’d never heard of synchronicity let alone believed in the possibility.

And yet despite this, I didn’t believe that when we die, that’s it. I have always believed in something, after all, science says that everything is energy and energy can change form but not be destroyed. So the ‘soul’ must go somewhere right?

Well, it’s not until life takes an unexpected turn that you really start to think about this more. Losing a loved one is a life changing event. When this happens to us, I don’t believe we are ever really the same again. That is exactly what happened to me, grief lead me down this path, I desperately wanted to know that my loved ones were okay. I felt like I needed to rediscover the meaning in my life here so I could come to terms with being left behind.

I started to discover something rather mind blowing, perhaps not all of this is ‘woo’, perhaps there really is evidence out there of an afterlife…..

What is Curious About Spirit?

I created this blog with the intention to help others who have lost loved ones and are asking the same questions I did.

  • Does the ‘soul’ live on beyond physical death? If so, where does it go?
  • Is my loved one around me? Can they see everything that’s going on here and now?
  • Do they know how much I miss them?
  • Are they ok?
  • Is it really so crazy to want to contact them? Is it even possible?

As someone who is not religious and very sceptical of anything ‘woo’, I want to share with you my journey as it unfolds. My own personal experiences from a sceptical but open minded point of view.

I would love to hear from you too. If any of my content resonates with you, please leave your comments. Or share your stories with me via my contact page.

It can be a lonely time when going down this particular rabbit hole. Most people are like I was before loss, dismissive. If you can’t see it, hear it or feel it, it doesn’t exist. I am asking you to consider, what if it does? Aren’t you just a little bit Curious About Spirit?