Can Anyone Develop Psychic Abilities?

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I have been told, more than one, that everyone is psychic to some degree.

Since my research into the metaphysical began, this seems to be a widely accepted thing. But, because I like to question everything, I am asking, is it really the case? Can anyone develop psychic abilities?

Can I develop psychic abilities?

I have always considered myself to be reasonably good at reading people and sensing when something is wrong.

I consider myself to be an empathetic and understanding person. Are these things just common human traits or could they be the foundations of psychic ability?

There have been occasions when seemingly psychic events happen. Has someone ever said to you “you must be psychic because….”.

Occasions when you have picked up the phone to call someone only for the phone to ring and it’s the person you were about to call.

Or occasions when you have a ‘feeling’ something is wrong with a close friend or loved one and it proved to be true.

Things like this seem to happen to everyone. We are quick to assume coincidence. What if we are unconsciously tapping into psychic energy and these ‘coincidences’ really are the foundations of our psychic abilities.

Over the last few weeks and months, I have been building on this foundation.

I am just a regular person. I don’t claim to have any special abilities, I have been a sceptic of such abilities for the majority of my life.

Therefore, this article is rather a special one. If someone like me can develop psychic abilities, then anyone can, I strongly believe that.

In this article, I will share with you my personal journey over the last few months. I will share with you my tips for your own development. I am still only scratching the surface with what I now believe is possible so, join me on this journey, subscribe to follow me on mine.

What is Psychic Ability?

What comes into your mind when I ask this question?

In the past, I wouldn’t have taken the idea of psychic ability too seriously. I considered it a novelty; if you throw enough insight out there, some of it will stick.

A lot of us have been taught to think this way. Those of us that believe there could be something in it are often afraid of the possibility.

Psychic ability is an area is widely misunderstood. It’s not only about reading minds and predicting the future. In fact, I’m not convinced how accurate those skills are anyway.

It’s not about communicating with the dead either, that’s something completely different.

Psychic ability is built on a foundation of intuition. It is ‘tuning in’ to the subtle energies around us to sense the unseen.

This intuition is naturally within all of us. We have just suppressed it to the point we don’t recognise it within ourselves anymore.

Look at how a mother knows exactly what her baby needs. She had tuned into her ability to instinctively (psychically) know.

There may be more examples but, a mother’s intuition is one of the only times we do not suppress this gift.

How many times a day do you reach for your phone to search the answer to something? The internet is a great tool, but it’s taken away our need to think.

When we think about the answer to something, we won’t necessarily psychically be able to know the answer but, it does exercise that part of us that can ’tune in’. It makes you wonder and try to connect to the answer.

Related Post – How To Strengthen Your Intuition (8 Insightful Steps)

What’s the difference Between Psychic and Medium?

Mediums are often called psychics and they do possess heightened psychic ability. I use the word heightened because we all have psychic ability but some individuals have developed this ability, or have a natural ability to a higher level.

Mediumship is the process of communicating with spirit. Mediums are able to raise their vibrations to a level that enables them to communicate and receive messages from spirit, and from loved ones who have passed.

Is there a Difference Between Intuition and Psychic Ability?

Intuition is the foundation psychic abilities are built on.

To be intuitive is to connect to the same energies that psychics do. Therefore, to be intuitive is to be psychic in simplistic terms.

Do you have Psychic Abilities Already?

If you’ve read up to here, you’ll probably guess the answer to this question as yes already (or maybe you psychically already knew)

The fact we all have psychic abilities is such an under-appreciated revelation. Well, it was for me anyway.

As soon as you start to notice your intuition, it’s amazing how quickly psychic events start happening. This is before any development whatsoever. Simply noticing it is enough. How crazy is that!

Have you found yourself wondering about a persons’ intent towards you. Or wondered if someone is lying to you.

I have discovered that by recognising I have intuition, I am able to sense these things and, I’ve experienced great accuracy with it.

Within recent weeks, I have developed a 100% accuracy rate with being able to know who has sent me a text message before I look at my phone.

This is now working with phone calls too. On a few occasions I have known my phone was about to ring, and who it would be that was calling five seconds before it rang.

So, how can we all tap into this intuition and develop our psychic abilities further?

How Can You Develop Your Psychic Abilities?

As I’ve already mentioned, you simply need to notice your psychic abilities.

That is the starting point and it’s easy, all you have to do it acknowledge and listen to your intuition.

If you’re anything like me, you’ll be excited by the revelation that you possess psychic abilities, and you may well be asking the question of how can you develop them further.

So, what else can you do?

1. Practice Using Intuition Everyday

You might associate using your intuition with big life decisions only. That’s not the case though.

We are faced with hundreds of decisions every day. The consequences of most are not overly significant but that doesn’t mean you can’t use them to practice.

The best way to do this is to feel the decision instead of thinking it. Allow me to explain what I mean.

Which route do you take home from work? Imagine there are two options, both similar in distance. 

You might use your live maps to check traffic to decide the route. Instead, try just feeling which way to go. You might get it wrong a few times but, this is good practice. Worst case scenario, you’re home 5 minutes later.

You can use this method for many daily decisions that have little consequence. Which supermarket do you go to? Which car park do you pick? Start feeling the answer instead of logically thinking it.

2. Pay Attention to Physical Responses

Often our body will intuitively react in physical ways. 

Usually this will manifest as a feeling in the gut area. Possibly a sick feeling, a weight or an unease. Or it might be a lighter feeling like bubbling or an increase in energy.

Sometimes this reaction is obvious in relation to the situation you are facing, but, not always. A random idea might pop into your head and cause a physical reaction. Listen and take note of what your body is telling you.

3. Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation allows us to quieten the mind which is mostly ego driven. Intuition comes from a place beyond the ego. It will be much easier to tap into this part of ourselves when we have a regular meditation routine.

In moments when you can quieten and focus your mind, this is when your intuition will be at its strongest. Regular mindfulness practices will help you with this too.

Related Post – 3 Meditation Techniques for Beginners That Actually Work

4. Tune in

Start tuning in to your surroundings. Read the energy in a room when you enter. Focus on individuals in the room and try to sense what’s going on with them.

Don’t automatically look at your phone when you get a text message. Take a few seconds to tune into it, try and sense who the message is from. You won’t get it right all of time initially but keep doing it, I promise that you will.

5. Connect with Like-minded People

Joining groups on social media is one way. Although, as with anything on social media, they can be full of keyboard warriors or negatively draining people, so be wary.

Connecting to your psychic abilities is a fantastic thing. Recognising the power within you and around you is a wonderful experience. Like-minded people will always encourage and support just as you would them in return.

Joining a development group is another great way to meet like-minded people. Development groups can either be a regular thing, or a one-off workshop.

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