
Can Mediumship Help With the Grieving and Healing Process?

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Should Mediumship play a bigger role in the grieving and healing process?

I recently had the pleasure of sitting in on an interview with Kat Baillie, and this was one of the questions discussed.

The interview hasn’t been published at the time of writing this post, but I will come back and link it below once it’s available.

Kat Baillie is a talented medium, and an inspiring woman. Kat does a lot of work helping people who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

Originally an affiliate leader for Help Parents Heal, Kat discovered that it’s not just parents who have lost children that suffer devastating losses, and a lot of the work she was doing could help those who have lost parents, partners and friends too.

Having co-founded Transcending Grief, Kat is now stretching her reach to help more people.

This is a subject close to my heart. I am no stranger to grief; the idea behind this very blog is to talk about the spiritual side of life and death, in the hope I can help others who are searching for the same answers I am looking for.

Dealing with Grief

Loss is a part of life, most of us will experience grief at some point in our lives.

And it’s true what they say, everyone deals with grief differently. The experience can be different depending on who you lost and your relationship with them.

Other factors that affect how you grieve include:

  • Your belief system
  • If you’ve had to deal with grief already in the past
  • The age of the person when they passed
  • The way in which they passed
  • The impact their absence has your everyday life
  • Your own mental state when they passed

There are recognised ‘stages’ of grief, there are even guidelines available for how long you should grieve for. My advice to you, from personal experience, is ignore these ‘stages’ and ‘timelines’.

Instead, embrace your own individual path. Do what you need to do, when you need to do it.

Recognise that others do have your best interests at heart, and do care about you, which is why they offer the advice. They want to help, they just don’t know how because really, no-one can help.

However you deal with grief, one thing is certain and that is – you won’t be the same person you were before.

Growing From Grief

A lot of people (probably most people) who experience profound grief, will start asking questions they had never considered before.

The most common question is Why?

But, for such a small question, it carries so much weight.

Looking for the answer can send you down a rabbit hole.

It’s what you find down that rabbit hole that can lead you into a new world you never knew existed. A world where everything makes sense, even our suffering.

I will add, that even when you make sense of suffering, it doesn’t make it go away. What it does, is help you grow as a person and as a spiritual being.

You start to see the interconnectedness of everything and recognise the significance of soul planning.

Related Post – What Are Soul Contracts And Do You Have One?

Can Mediumship Help with the Grieving and Healing Process?

A Sceptics Introduction to the Afterlife was my first ever post on this blog. It’s hard to believe it was only a few months ago; the moment I was introduced to mediumship, and it changed my life.

Admittedly, my life had already changed pretty significantly after losing my Mum, and then my Partner. Mediumship is when the healing started.

Genuine evidential mediumship, I believe, can absolutely help with the grieving and healing process.

The problem is, as with any industry, you get the charlatans and the scammers. It’s these charlatans and scammers that cause many people to dismiss mediumship and that’s a real shame.

There is a whole community of people that have found tremendous comfort in being connected to their loved ones in spirit.

I believe it could reach even further. And that’s what people like Kat Baillie are working to achieve.

The Profound Healing Effect

Why do we grieve death?

Because someone you love is gone, they are no longer a physical presence in your life.

I know, from personal experience, that even the knowledge their soul lives on still feels like a consolation prize. It probably always will.

But, when you are given evidential proof by a medium, it’s hard not be amazed.

It’s mind blowing, but also difficult for us to get our human heads around with our limited 3D thinking, and liner time.

There isn’t one person I have spoken to that hasn’t taken some form of comfort and healing from a genuine mediumship experience.

For some, the effect is profound. It validates difficult emotions, it provides answers to difficult questions, and it offers great comfort to know they are around.

It gives you permission to heal.

Should Mediumship Play a Bigger Role in Grieving and Healing?


I understand that it won’t be for everyone, it depends on your belief systems and how open you are to the possibility of an afterlife.

But, I strongly believe there is huge number of people that mediumship could reach and help.

And that’s just the beginning.

Incorporating Mediumship

Once you have opened yourself up to the world of mediumship and connecting with loved ones, it doesn’t stop there.

Related Post – Signs From Beyond the Grave: Messages From Our Loved Ones

I have written several other posts about incorporating mediumship and intuitive abilities into our lives. The overall benefits to us as individuals, and as a collective are endless.

We shouldn’t just use mediumship as a tool to help with grieving and healing, we can use it as evidence to support our spiritual selves, having this human experience.

Doesn’t everyone want to live their most happy and authentic lives? Those that are not, simply don’t know how.

I believe mediumship as starting point, and introduction into the world of endless possibilities, is the answer.

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