
Can String Theory Explain the Afterlife?

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Don’t be put off by the overly scientific headline. I’m not turning this blog into some quantum theory sciencey outlet. I’m not even sure I can accurately explain string theory at this point.

I don’t have the knowledge or the ability to understand most of it if I’m being honest.

But even so, I still want to ask the question ‘can string theory explain the afterlife?’. Or can it at least shine a light on the vibrational workings of the afterlife?

In my last post – 5 Must Read Books for Anyone on a Spiritual Journey – I recommended a book called The Afterlife of Billy Fingers

In this book, the Author writes about communication from her recently deceased brother, Billy.

Billy communicates exactly what is happening to him in the afterlife. He explains what he is seeing and feeling. He also describes knowledge he has acquired since passing over to the other side. This knowledge includes the purpose of his life on earth.

Although he doesn’t use the terms ‘soul contract’ or ‘pre-birth plans’, he does describe the concept.

Related Post – What Are Soul Contracts And Do You Have One?

He also explains why we are having this human experience and, how he is able to communicate with his sister.

The below is a paragraph I’ve taken from the book. These are Billy’s words.

“We all receive rewards from the life we lived. No matter how it seems on the surface, every single life is valuable in ways you cannot imagine or figure out while you’re alive.

Every single life is a gift. Notice I don’t say “opportunity” because that means you can fail or succeed.

Beyond the concept of failure or success, there’s vibration.

Vibration can’t be told in words. It’s the language of music.

Scientists exploring string theory are on to something.”

It is the last sentence that got my interest.

I like to apply a degree of scepticism to everything metaphysical. I actively encourage scepticism because it means you stay grounded and, there is no harm in asking for more evidence before you believe something.

Therefore, when a reference to science is made in an attempt to explain the afterlife, I took to the internet to learn more.

Is This Beyond My Capabilities of Understanding?

I quickly discovered that string theory and quantum mechanics was mostly beyond my capabilities of understanding.

Even ‘String Theory for Dummies’ left me more confused than enlightened.

However, I was determined to develop a basic understanding.

I have many questions about the afterlife and a lot of those questions are specific to energy and vibration. I am intrigued about the possibility that quantum mechanics can answer some of those questions.

What is String Theory?

I am going to keep it really simple and explain just my understanding of this subject. I have therefore added some of my own interpretation. Honestly, it’s the only way my brain can attempt to make sense of it.

String theory is specific to the vibrational make up of the universe.

Imagine how tiny the individual particles are that make-up atoms and molecules. We know that everything is made from particles. Protons, neutrons and electrons are particles that make up atoms.

If we delve even deeper, zoom in a bit more, quarks are a particle found within protons and neutrons. They are so tiny they are almost no size at all.

They are the tiniest thing we are able to observe.

It was assumed that quarks are point like and there is nothing within them. The buck stops with the quark.

String theory suggests otherwise, it suggests that quarks are made up of, well… a kind of string. A string like substance vibrating at different frequencies.


They are so small that we don’t have the technology to observe them.

Are you still with me?

The best video I found to explain this theory is String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality?

So how do these tiny pieces of string relate to the afterlife, I hear you ask.

First, we need to understand what this theory tells us.

A very simplified version, and my interpretation, is that it tells us the following:

  • We are familiar with our 3 dimensions. We can move up and down, left and right, forward and back. A balled up piece of string can move in many more directions.
  • String in itself is one dimensional, similar to a line. But, once is balled-up and assigned various different vibrational frequencies, it behaves differently.
  • String theory needs 10 different dimensions to work

When we try to understand string theory within our 3 dimensions, it doesn’t fit, it can’t be explained.

So, do we need to accept there are 10 dimensions for this theory to work?

If you watch the video I linked above, you’ll see it begins by explaining how string theory can explain everything within the universe. It is the missing link.

It only doesn’t work if we limit our thinking to 3 dimensions.

Imagine 7 more dimensions!

As humans, I don’t think we can imagine that. Our entire reality would look completely different.

Maybe we could choose when matter is solid. If you wanted to pass through a wall, the matter of the wall would change to allow you through.

I personally imagine being able to manifest anything immediately using thought alone.

I believe that thought would be a much more powerful thing. We see evidence of that in our reality now.

Time could be a construct of our 3 dimensions and may not actually exist

If in these other dimensions matter isn’t necessarily as solid as we can know it to be. It would explain why our souls don’t require a form.

It also could mean the afterlife and other dimensions are intertwined with our reality, but we don’t have the capabilities to experience it.

Perhaps we really are living in a matrix.

Final thoughts

Quantum mechanics is such a difficult subject for a lot of us to understand. Therefore, what chance do we have of understanding 7 more dimensions, including an afterlife and a complete alternate reality.

Especially when it’s all theory.

I have come to the conclusion that I won’t be able comprehend most of it while I remain in the human experience.

That said, I don’t think we need to comprehend it in order to know it. I’m talking about that intuitive knowing that is within us all.

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