Soul Planning: The Blueprints of Life Made Manifest

Soul Planning: The Blueprints of Life Made Manifest

Have you ever wondered if your life is unfolding according to a predetermined plan, or if certain events happen by chance? If you’ve felt a deep sense of déjà vu or encountered a pivotal moment that changed the course of your life, you might be tapping into the idea of “soul planning.”  It’s a profound…

Soulmates and Twin Flames: The Dance of the Cosmic Flame

Soulmates and Twin Flames: The Dance of the Cosmic Flame

Twin flames don’t ‘complete’ you because you are already innately whole at a soul level. Instead, they help you grow and expand into the truest version of yourself. – Mateo Sol Have you ever met someone and felt an immediate, unexplainable connection? It’s as if you’ve known them your entire life, even if you’ve just met. Many…

The Power of Rituals: Creating Sacred Practices for Everyday Life

The Power of Rituals: Creating Sacred Practices for Everyday Life

Life is challenging for everyone, no doubt. Navigating life’s ups and downs can often seem frustrating. On the other hand, life can also feel monotonous. However, it doesn’t always have to be like that! Ancient cultures and spiritual traditions were always conscious of the importance of sacred practices. Rituals were frequent—not only when someone was…

Grief Quotes: 10 Quotes Capturing the Essence of Loss Experiences

Grief Quotes: 10 Quotes Capturing the Essence of Loss Experiences

Hello Curious Soul, you’re in for a treat in this post. I want to share some grief quotes with you. If you follow the blog on Social Media, you’ll see regular posts containing quotes. Often these are accompanied by a picture of my lovely Chihuahua, Bailey. More recently, however, I have been inspired by signs…

How to Build and Maintain a Connection With Loved Ones After They Have Passed

How to Build and Maintain a Connection With Loved Ones After They Have Passed

When we suffer the profound loss of a loved one, we each go on a journey that is unique to us. It’s a journey that never ends, it’s an added layer to our life. Some people discover a connection to spirit and their departed loved ones. In this article, we are going to look at…

Conversations With a Palmist: Can Having Your Palm Read Change Your Life?

Conversations With a Palmist: Can Having Your Palm Read Change Your Life?

Do you know who you are? Are you following your Destiny? Do you feel like you ‘fit in’ to your own life? Is there anything else you should be doing? Could a Palmist really help you find the answer to these questions? I sat down with Palmist, Suzanne Fossey, to find out what palmistry is…

Can Mediumship Help With the Grieving and Healing Process?

Can Mediumship Help With the Grieving and Healing Process?

Should Mediumship play a bigger role in the grieving and healing process? I recently had the pleasure of sitting in on an interview with Kat Baillie, and this was one of the questions discussed. The interview hasn’t been published at the time of writing this post, but I will come back and link it below…