Conversations With a Palmist: Can Having Your Palm Read Change Your Life?

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Do you know who you are? Are you following your Destiny? Do you feel like you ‘fit in’ to your own life? Is there anything else you should be doing?

Could a Palmist really help you find the answer to these questions?

I sat down with Palmist, Suzanne Fossey, to find out what palmistry is really all about.

Hand Reader, Not Palmist

The first thing I want to talk about is the terminology. Palm Reader, or Palmist is not really accurate as it’s more than just the palm that is being read.

The entire hand, including the fingers and prints are assessed to better understand the essence of the person.

Just like no two fingerprints are the same, no two people are the same either.

Hand Reader, or Hand Consultant is more accurate.

I like ‘Hand Consultant’ it takes away some of the ‘woo woo’. Let’s face it, most people will automatically think it’s a bit of a gimmick. A form of entertainment at the end of a pier.

Asking questions like, how many children will I have? Will I get married? How long will I live?

The amusing thing is, a genuine Hand Reader won’t be able to tell you any of these things from your hand alone. Perhaps, if they have psychic ability, they can tap into something else, but let’s not get into that. For this article, we are talking about the art of hand reading.

If you are reading this with a sceptical mind, good for you for showing curiosity. Have a look at my other article on the subject. I approached this very sceptically initially. – Palmistry: Is it Science or Pseudoscience?

My Hand Reading – Suzanne Fossey

I recently had my own hands read with a very lovely lady, Suzanne Fossey.

Suzanne is based in Wymondam, Norfolk here in the UK. Check out her website

I want to share a couple of extracts from Suzanne’s website with you.

Hand reading (Chirology, yes it’s an ology) is a way of counselling someone back to one’s own true nature. In the many busy roles we’re required to play in our lives we can too easily forget who we truly are, what our gifts and talents are. When you have clarity around who you are, you can move forward into a life where you’re truly living in your element. Hand reading to me is a dialogue, a talking therapy. If there’s a particular area of your life you’re needing clarity on, we can find patterns in your hands to help you make sense of it and move forward in a positive way which benefits your true nature.

I think this is a brilliant summary of what hand reading is. To be completely honest with you, this came as a surprise to me.

Could hand reading be just as beneficial as counselling?

The following extract is Suzanne’s story of how she became a Hand Reader.

Some years ago, I had a hand reading which profoundly altered my sense of who I am.

I was given insights into my own patterns of behaviour and the gifts I’d forgotten I had. Things I’d been interested in as a child that I’d left behind in the busy-ness of life. I was being gently guided back to myself through the patterns on my fingertips and the lines on my hands. One fingerprint alone was so revealing that I was hooked. How can it be possible that all this information can be so plainly visible, imprinted into my hands? How come I didn’t know that! And given the benefits of self-understanding I received in this reading, why are there so few hand readers?

I was so inspired by this palm reader Johnny Fincham, himself an author of many books on the subject, that I decided to study with him to become a hand reader myself. 

The fingerprints and similar print patterns that can be found on many palms I learned, are a set of unchanging ‘tools’ that we’re born with – unchanging elements of our personality. The lines on the hands are changeable throughout our lives, depending on the choices we make as well as life events and our responses to them. The fact that these lines change over time means that we ourselves can change if we’re conscious enough to make the right choices and respond to situations in a way that works for the greater good.

To me, the act of reading hands is a dialogue, a talking therapy. It’s not fortune-telling! If there’s a particular area of your life you’d like clarity on, we can find patterns in your hands to help you make sense of it and move forward in a positive way which benefits your own true nature.

Suzanne starts by taking a print of both hands. It is easier to see the lines, patterns, and prints on our hands from a print. I won’t bore you with the specifics of my hand reading, but I can pass on my overall experience.

If you follow my blog, you’ll know that I have done a lot of soul-searching in recent months, and I have made a few drastic life changes, I therefore have a pretty good sense of who I am.

Suzanne was spot on. It felt really good to be ‘seen’ if that makes sense. Suzanne validated a lot of things for me. She confirmed I am on the right path and gave me many helpful suggestions.

One specific thing I will share with you, Suzanne told me that I was a natural leader and a performer.

Had she told me this a year ago, I would have laughed as it couldn’t have been further away from the truth.

I was a ‘follower’ and I would always be hiding at the back somewhere in most scenarios. I didn’t want to be seen at all, let alone perform or lead.

However, I was deep into a career in a corporate environment which wasn’t a world I should have ever been a part of. If you are not living to your true nature, then your true nature will be suppressed. Or even hidden under anxiety or low self-esteem.

I wish I’d have met Suzanne years ago. She would have helped me figure it out a lot sooner.

Sceptical Questions

Prior to meeting Suzanne, I did some initial research into palmistry. I came across a gentleman who used to be a Palmist. He was very vocal about how it was a load of rubbish and he stopped the practice because of it.

This, coming from a former Palmist interested me.

This gentleman said that he used to be a successful Palm Reader (he used this term) until the day he ‘reversed’ his readings for an experiment.

For every reading he did, he gave the opposite meaning to what he was seeing. Incorrect information basically.

He claimed that he still had a large number of sitters that resonated with the information even though it was rubbish.

I asked Suzanne what she thought of this. Her answer surprised me but made total sense.

She said that we are all walking contradictions. Your dominant trait might be that you are a leader, but you can also resonate with times you have not displayed this trait.

That made sense to me. Had Suzanne told me that I was an introvert, I could just as easily resonate with that too.

Suzanne went on to explain that hand reading is much more than simply identifying traits. It’s about looking at the individual’s life as a whole and identifying if they are living in a way that’s closest to their true nature.

An example Suzanne gave me illustrated this point well. She read for a gentleman who was missing one of his index fingers. Comically, he asked for a 20% discount.

Beyond identifying his most dominant traits, Suzanne saw a side to this gentleman that initially he didn’t recall or resonate with. She identified an artistic flare for creative writing, suggesting that having an outlet for this flare would really benefit him.

It took quite a while, but it suddenly dawned on the gentleman that Suzanne was talking about his calligraphy. Calligraphy was a hobby in his younger years before he lost his finger.

Suzanne had tapped into something, and by bringing it to the forefront re-ignited something that had been dormant for years. This form of artistry would resonate with this gentleman’s soul and probably re-awaken a passion.

Hand Reading and Children

During my conversations with Suzanne, we discussed many ways in which hand reading can be beneficial, even life-changing for some individuals.

One way Suzanne believes this can be beneficial is in relation to children and parenting.

Suzanne believes that hand reading in children can help parents better understand their child’s needs.

If a child perhaps isn’t doing well in a certain subject at school or is having behavioural problems, maybe the answers to why lay in the hand. With that knowledge, it could enable parents a deeper insight into how they can support their children and nurture them into becoming who they are truly meant to be.

Children often cannot communicate what they need, or in what areas they need more support because, on the surface, they don’t know themselves.

Imagine being given all the answers you need.

This is a really interesting concept, it could revolutionise parenting. I’m not a parent, so by no means an expert on the subject. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts? If you are a parent and interested in finding out how hand reading could help, please get in touch.

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