
How to Build and Maintain a Connection With Loved Ones After They Have Passed

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When we suffer the profound loss of a loved one, we each go on a journey that is unique to us.

It’s a journey that never ends, it’s an added layer to our life.

Some people discover a connection to spirit and their departed loved ones. In this article, we are going to look at how you can build that connection and maintain it throughout life’s ups and downs.

Personal Journey

I want to add a personal account regarding the inspiration for this article. At the time of writing this, it was seven and a half months ago I lost my Boyfriend to suicide and just over two years since I lost my Mum to Cancer.

My life now is unrecognisable from the one I led eight months ago. I am now a writer and video producer, as well as personally taking on the challenge of a new house renovation.

I have pushed myself hard in a bid to turn my grief into something good for my personal journey, and to help others along the way.

I have also discovered a connection to my lost loved ones and I have been looking for ways to strengthen it.

However, the opposite has happened.

I’ve crashed and burned, my energy is depleted, and the connection I did have is weaker than ever.

Perhaps you can relate to this. Are you on your own journey after loss?

I am telling you all of this because I suspect I am not alone. I am telling you all of this because I want to write the article as much for my benefit as I do yours.

Discovering the Connection

The connection is a beacon of light in a very dark world. This light can build and expand as we become aware of it.

It can become a doorway to life that resembles one of hope and joy once again. It holds truth and love, but more importantly, it holds our loved ones and they will show you they are still here.

This connection will look different for everyone. Let’s look at some of the ways it can present itself.

  1. Signs and Synchronicities – From my observations, and from talking to others, everyone experiences signs and synchronicities. Some believe it is a connection and others put it down to coincidence.
  2. Feeling Their Presence – Having a sense that they are close. As this builds, you can start to feel ‘tingles’ or your hair stands on end when they are close by. Some people report other physical sensations such as being touched.
  3. Dream Visitations – When a loved one visits in a dream it feels different to a normal dream. Sometimes there is communication and sometimes not, but they are always very vivid.
  4. Seeing Them For a Split Second – This could be seeing movement out of the corner of your eye, or seeing someone in the street that you think is them until you look closer. Some people have reported seeing full-on apparitions of their loved ones.
  5. Mediumship – A reading with a Medium can be the first way in which the connection is discovered for many people, myself included.

These are just a few, see related posts for more – After Death Communication: What is Possible?

Building the Connection

Once the connection has been discovered, it is only natural to want to build it and make it stronger.

The connection really can be the much-needed lifeline for many people in the throws of grief. It is a beacon of hope.

Building on this connection can help us to re-establish a relationship with our loved ones. We discover and start to learn just what is possible. We can even go on to have closer spiritual relationships with our loved ones than we did when they were with us physically.

I will add that this is not a consolation by any many means. If you’re reading this and thinking ‘I’d rather have them here physically than have a spiritual relationship with them’, I hear you. I feel the exact same way most days.

This is different though, this is learning what is possible now. It’s not designed to be a replacement for the physical relationship. The physical relationship was always going to be temporary. This connection is permanent.

Using the points mentioned above, let’s look at ways we can build on the connection and strengthen it.

1.Signs and Synchronicities – The great thing about signs and synchronicities is that all you have to do is notice them. Believe me, I know how that sounds but it’s really true. You can ask for specific signs and they just get more and more incredible.

The most recent sign I had was from my Mum. I was driving up to Rotherham in the UK to view a camper van I was interested in buying. Rotherham is around four hours away.

On the way, I spoke to my Mum. I asked her to send me a sign if I should buy the camper van.

Roughly two hours later, I got my sign.

My Mum’s name was Denise. A car overtook me on the motorway and the number plate was D2 NSE.

If you live in the UK, you will understand just how unusual that number plate is. It’s clearly a private plate, likely owned by someone else called Denise.

What are the chances that car overtook me, and that I noticed it? All after I had directly asked for a sign too.

2. Feeling Their Presence – I love this type of connection. For me, I can feel their presence by tingling in the crown of my head.

It started off so subtle that I couldn’t be sure I wasn’t imagining it. I tested it by trying to imagine it and make it happen. And then when it did happen, I tried to make it go away. This was all to see if it was my imagination.

It wasn’t.

I could neither make it happen nor stop it from happening. Gradually the feeling intensified to the point it is undeniable there is some form of energy presence causing it.

I wanted to know more. Who was it? My Mum or my Boyfriend?

And so I developed, or rather they developed a way for me to know.

One day I was standing and staring at a picture of my Boyfriend and I which hung on the wall. I felt the now familiar tingling in the crown of my head, so I asked, ‘How do I know it’s you?’

Straight away I felt the same tingling in my butt, just like he was grabbing it. It made me laugh out loud because that is exactly what he would have done.

Ever since I have been able to tell when it’s him.

3. Dream Visitations – Lucid dreaming can be practiced and enables you to have an awareness during the dream. This gives you more control over the dream and it can encourage communication with our loved ones.

4. Seeing Them For a Split Second – Visuals aren’t something I have personally experienced but I know they do happen.

The best advice I have heard for seeing movement out of the corner of your eye is to not immediately look. Keep it in the corner of your eye and let whatever is there build.

5. Mediumship – Having a reading with a Medium is a great way to discover the connection, to build it, you can work on your own mediumship abilities.

Most Mediums actively encourage this and some even teach it.

We might not all be destined to be great Mediums but all of us have some ability. We have it within us to be able to communicate with spirit.

Maintaining the Connection

Life is a journey. There are good times and bad.

When life gets overwhelming and stressful, it’s not always easy to maintain the connection.

Stress inevitably leads to negative thinking. We can get so caught up in this at times that the connection can lessen.

When that happens, it’s easy to let the negative thought patterns take over.

Was there ever a connection in the first place?

Have they disappeared on me?

It’s important to recognise that it is the stress talking; they haven’t gone anywhere.

They will still be sending you signs, you’re just less susceptible to them.

I believe strongly that our life is one big pre-planned path and that includes all of the stressful and overwhelming times.

The part you can control is the connection. You may lose it, it might weaken, but it’s within your power to get it back whenever you need it.

How? I hear you ask.

The answer is to look at what it was that helped you discover the connection in the first place.

Was it a Medium? If so, book a reading.

Whatever it was, go back to the basics; you’ll soon realise it was always there, and it will always be there.

The bond between you and your loved ones is never really broken. It transcends time and space, finding ways to bring you comfort and peace.

Related Post – Signs From Beyond the Grave: Messages From Our Loved Ones

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