How Do We Know if We Are on Our Highest Path?

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I think it’s safe to assume that we all aspire to be living life on our highest path.

We want our lives to flow effortlessly, to live moment to moment, and to enjoy the journey.

I believe goals within society have shifted in recent times. Instead of aspiring to be successful and to obtain material wealth, more people are realising that happiness and success do not necessarily go hand in hand.

Instead, we are seeing and appreciating the things in life that really matter to us, and our families. We aspire to live on our highest path.

This shift I am observing only really began in 2019. Perhaps Covid played an integral part. It gave a lot of people a break from the rat race lifestyle. Lockdowns were surprisingly widely accepted. I say ‘surprisingly’, but perhaps it wasn’t all that surprising.

It was the start of a shift in consciousness; many people started to shift their aspirations as a result.

I am taking in generalised terms here, I fully understand that Covid and lockdown is still a touchy subject, because it affected different people in different ways.

There is no denying that something has shifted though. Maybe it was Covid, or maybe it would have happened anyway.

How does this relate to our highest path? I hear you ask.

Well, it’s made us more aware of the possibility that we have a higher path, and that we can follow it.

Or can we?

Highest Path or Only Path?

This follows on nicely from last week’s article I wrote on soul planning – Soul Planning and Suicide!

Do we even have a ‘highest path’, or has our only path through this life already been mapped out?

To be on our highest path assumes we have made choices using our free will to change the direction of our lives.

To walk our highest path is the ultimate goal. We assume it’ll mean we can start manifesting our dreams, that we are tuned in to a higher vibrational understanding, and that life’s challenges will be nothing more than mere blips along the way.

Sounds great right?

I don’t think it’s impossible either; people are living this way.

I’m not talking about the lives we see portrayed on social media; the people genuinely living this way, likely aren’t overly active on social media.

Is it their choices that have led them to achieve this lifestyle? Or were they destined to follow this path? In a parallel universe somewhere, could they be massively insecure, and working in a dead-end job to make ends meet?

Could your highest path be nothing more than a state of mind?

An individual with an open, curious, and naturally positive mind will be more likely to make choices that move their life in a more fulfilling direction, than an individual who has a closed and negative mindset.

Our human mindset was likely pre-determined; how can we therefore expect the individual with a closed and negative mindset to make choices that lead them to their highest path? They are clearly not meant to live this ‘highest path’ as it doesn’t necessarily fit in with their soul plan.

I really am curious to know if we have free will at all. If we have more than one path our lives can follow.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure that’s a question I’ll never know the answer to for certain.

Is it as simple as making a few different choices, or do we need to accept that our choices have already been made?

Changing Our Mindset

Even if our choices have already been made, surrendering to this and accepting what is, will surely make the journey more enjoyable.

Let’s consider mindset from both perspectives.

Assuming we have free will and are able to alter the path, and course of our life, then mindset would be a crucial tool.

We would need to be self-aware enough to recognise there is a higher path option.

Next, there needs to be an element of trust and faith in our choices. To change our life path, the choices we need to make are often drastic. There is no safety net of knowing the outcome, of knowing if it’s the ‘right’ choice.

If there is no trust or faith, then an individual won’t make the necessary change. Having the mindset of belief is what will make it possible. Otherwise, the course on the current path will continue.

Now let’s consider that we only have one path that’s mapped out for us.

Our perception will therefore determine our life’s enjoyment. It doesn’t mean we are destined to live a miserable life.

If there is only one path, that is already mapped out for us, then it is, by definition, our highest and lowest path combined. It doesn’t have to limit living life to the fullest; if anything, combine it with a positive mindset, and you’ll reduce anxiety and stress over the things that we can’t control. You’ll naturally develop trust that you are exactly where you should be on your life path.

I am undecided on whether I believe in multiple paths, or just one path; I keep going back and forth with the two possibilities.

Whichever way you look at it though, mindset is a key component.

As I write this, the teachings of Eckhart Tolle come to mind.

All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry—all forms of fear—are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.

I recommend reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Acceptance, Action, or Removal

I think it was in The Power of Now that Ekhart also spoke about acceptance, action, or removal when dealing with any present moment situation.

If it wasn’t in the book, then it was on one of his YouTube videos.

I feel compelled to mention this. If you are reading this article because you feel ‘stuck’ and don’t know if you are on your highest path, there are three possible actions you can take.

  1. You can take action to change your current circumstances.
  2. You can remove yourself from your current circumstances.
  3. You can accept your current circumstances.

Think about it, they are the only options you need to consider. If you can’t take action, or remove yourself, then accept it until you can. Or perhaps you can take some action now but not enough to change the circumstances, in which case removal or acceptance can be combined.

Final Thoughts

I often don’t know what direction many of my articles will take when I begin writing them.

It’s fun, I end up being as surprised as you are by the conclusions I draw.

I started writing this post as a way to unpack my own thoughts on this subject.

After an unbelievably stressful week, I found myself wondering why things were going so wrong. I’ve made some major life changes, and thought I had moved to a higher path. Surely life would be more effortless if I was on the ‘right’ path.

Now, I realise life isn’t perfect on any path. We all get ‘stuck’, we all have things that go wrong, and we all have challenges to overcome.

It all comes down to mindset.

How do you know if you are on your highest path?

You don’t!

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