
Interview with Psychic Medium – Paul Bannister

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If you’ve read my earlier post A Sceptics Introduction to the Afterlife, you’ll know that my first Psychic Medium experience was with Paul Bannister.

Paul was my real life introduction to the world of Mediumship. I was so impressed with the information he was able to give me during my reading. I still had so many questions for him.

I reached out to Paul once again and asked if I could interview him for my blog.

I was interested to hear how this all works directly from the source.


I could talk about the subject of Mediumship for hours; I find it so interesting. Especially because Mediums such as Paul, actually encourage a degree of scepticism. He says we shouldn’t just blindly believe what we are being told. If information doesn’t resonate or is too vague, we shouldn’t just accept this as proof.

When we work with spirit, they can do amazing things and so expecting solid evidence is not too much to ask.

When we receive that solid evidence is can be incredibly healing.

If this subject interests you as much as it does me, you can follow Paul on social media here.

And check out his weekly slot on SPTV. Paul has some big names within the spiritual community on his show. The links are on Paul’s Facebook page.

The Interview

Paul: I grew up in Bury St Edmunds and our next-door neighbour was a lady called Pam. Pam was a single mum and had a son around the same age as me who became like a brother to me.

Pam was a Medium and I looked to her as a kind of spiritual teacher.

Clairvoyance (clear seeing) was my first ability and around this time is when I started to see spirits. One spirit in particular was that of a Nun. This is quite ironic as I’ve always had a fear of Nuns for some reason.

I didn’t start to recognise my ability until later in life. At age 26, I had a benign brain tumour. It was the size of a fist and sat on my cerebral cortex.

The tumour needed to be removed but the Doctors told me it would severely effect my functions and I would be looking at a long recovery, possibly never recovering some functions.

The tumour had crystallised and the surgeons were able to remove it easily with out causing any damage whatsoever to other parts of my brain.

I came back around and I’d been taken back to the ward. The Doctors said they’d never seen anything like it. I made a full recovery within a few weeks.

I expressed my gratitude to God/The Universe and asked what I could do in return.

The rented house I was living in at the time was very active. I was seeing a lot of Spirits. I went to a Medium; she was an older lady. She placed her hand over mine and said ‘dear, they want you to work with them’. And so that’s when I started to develop my abilities.

Paul: I think that people, now more than ever, are looking for answers. They are asking more questions about why we are here and what our purpose is. Usually, a significant event such as losing a loved one triggers a response to start this shift.

The problem is, there are a lot of Mediums out there that are either ego lead or not developed enough to give consistent and strong readings. Sadly, they give Mediumship a bad name.

Paul: Well, all mediums are psychic but not all psychics are mediums. Psychic information is like a knowing within. It’s my own intuition. Whereas when I am communicating with Spirit, it’s not my thoughts or feelings, it’s information that’s being given to me.

Paul: The one that comes to mind was during a demonstration. It was the first reading of the evening.

The first reading is usually the most difficult but I had this chap come though. I started by giving his name and a few other details. An elderly lady towards the front of the room put her hand up and said she recognised this person to be her brother.

The lady in the audience was 90 years old. She was with her Carer and her Granddaughter.

At this point, the gentleman then appeared to me. I could see him standing near the back of the room and there was an amazing golden light surrounding him. It was so beautiful; I feel emotional again just talking about it.

The message he wanted me to give his sister was that he had found God, that God did exist.

During the interval, I spoke to the woman and she told me the significance of the message.

Her Brother had been a member of a philosophical society. He had spent his whole life looking for evidence of everything including God and an afterlife. On his death bed, he had said to his sister “I really hope there is a God”, and he was letting his sister know that she was right.

Paul: I am able to turn by abilities on and off by staying grounded. Everyday things like eating a meal, or making a cup of tea keep me grounded.

I am able to see auras but if didn’t turn it off, it would be very distracting to see auras all of the time.

Paul: This reminds me of another reading I did for a husband and wife. The husbands body language was closed off initially but it was him I was having a spirit come through for. It was his dad.

I did the reading as normal and passed on messages from his dad. As they were leaving, the husbands turned to me and asked me where his dad was.

His dad told me to tell him whenever he looks at the white bible, he’s right there with him.

The Husband then told me that his Mum had given him his dad’s white bible after he had passed and he had looked at it just before the reading.

The truth is, I don’t know where they are. I don’t think they are far away in ‘heaven’. I think they are closer than that. Likely right here with us. It’s hard for us to comprehend but there are many more layers that we don’t see.

Left Wanting More?

I spent two hours with Paul and I could have easily spent another two.

Listening to how Paul reads Auras, how he is constantly developing his abilities and how we can develop our own abilities is fascinating.

Watch this space because there is much more I want to discuss with Paul. Including an exciting new TV opportunity he is working on.

If you have any questions you’d like to ask, leave a comment below.

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