My Past Life Regression Experience

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During my research into the Metaphysical, past life regression has come up a few times.

The idea that we can tap into memories of past lives is both fascinating and a little scary.

Needless to say, this was something I absolutely had to try for myself.

How Does It Work?

I had preconceived ideas about hypnosis. I imagined someone under hypnosis being at the mercy of the person doing the hypnotising.

I had images of being instructed to cluck like a chicken or other, equally silly acts.

Let me assure you, past life regression is nothing like that.

Instead, it felt like a meditation. I was completely aware throughout and felt I could open my eyes and stand up at any time.

I was also in complete control of my thoughts and actions.

What this form of meditation (the word meditation feels more fitting that hypnosis) does is, relax the mind and allows the subconscious mind to be accessed by you.

If you allow yourself access to your subconscious, this is where past life memories will be found.

Often, we have fears and phobias that are not rational and cannot be explained by our environment. This could be as the result of an event in a past life and the subconscious memory has been carried forward.

Related Post – Reincarnation: Have You Experienced Multiple Lifetimes?

By accessing these memories, we can often gain a better understanding of our issues in this lifetime, which can subsequently help us work to resolve them.

Does It Work For Everybody?

The short answer is No. Not everybody is able to access their subconscious, in the same way that not everyone is able to be hypnotised.

You can improve your chances of this working for you by meditating regularly. Meditation will slow your mind down and, if you get into the habit, it will train your mind so you can access your subconscious more easily.

Related Post – 3 Meditation Techniques for Beginners That Actually Work

Another thing to note is that people experience a past life regression differently too.

Some people are able to visualise their past life experiences, whereas others will ‘sense’ or ‘know’ what’s happening without any visuals.

I was in the latter group. Initially it felt like it was just my imagination as I wasn’t actually seeing anything.

However, information started coming to me thick and fast and my imagination just isn’t that…..well imaginative.

My Past Life Regression Experience

For my regression, I contacted Valerie Anckorn who is based around an hour away from me in West Norfolk.

After an initial ten-minute chat, I got comfortable on the day bed under a blanket, it was very cozy.

As I meditate regularly, I found it quite easy to relax as Valerie guided me through the initial meditation.

I was guided down a path with trees lining the path on the right and various doors lining the path on the left. I was instructed to continue walking down the path until I could see a door that grabbed my attention.

At this point I wasn’t visually seeing anything. I had read that this is normal, as I talked about earlier. Some people are less visual and tap into a sense of ‘knowing’ instead.

I therefore went with whatever came into my head.

I imagined a yellow door in front of me. Valerie instructed me to walk through the door and the first thing I had to do was describe what I was wearing.

I was struggling with this. I was very aware that it could all be my imagination which caused me to overthink, and nothing came to me. I was drawing a blank.

After a while I started to relax into it and trust the information that was coming to me.

Throughout the whole session, sometimes information would be coming through clearly and immediately before I had to chance to think about it. Other times the information was harder to ‘know’. The sceptical part of me acknowledges that these parts could have been my imagination.

I visited three different lifetimes.

The first lifetime was fairly uneventful. I was a man living in Kansas, US and worked on a farm all my life.

I got married but never had children.

Some information was vague but there was an Uncle I had in that lifetime who was very familiar. The sense of him came through in a way that I don’t think I was imagining. My Uncle in that lifetime felt very much like my dad in this life.

It’s not uncommon that we can recognise people in our past lives that are a part of this lifetime too.

My overall thoughts on that lifetime in Kansas, was that it was fairly normal and uneventful. I didn’t take any risks, and it felt like my life lesson was that I should have.

The second lifetime I visited was the most vivid in the way that I remembered it.

I was a female that had been cast out by my family for getting pregnant. I was living in a community of other women who were also single mothers that had been cast out.

I worked on a market and made baskets. I wasn’t sure what country I was in, it was hot, so it definitely wasn’t the UK.

During that lifetime, I went on to meet a Sailor that would come in on the ships every few months. I had another child with him, but he wouldn’t stick around. He eventually never came back from one of the sailing trips.

My overall thoughts of that lifetime; It was very sad, and I certainly developed abandonment issues. In the face of adversity, I ended up and helping a lot of other women in the same situation.

My third lifetime I was a very young boy. Just a toddler living in a big house in the English countryside. I was the youngest of a large family. There were lots of staff working in the house and I had a Nanny that I saw more of than my parents.

Again, I had a strong feeling about the Nanny, I recognised her as my mum in this lifetime.

Later in that lifetime, I was sent away to boarding school but, I died quite young. I was always getting sick and eventually, as a teenager, I passed.

The Overall Experience

I believe that some people can have a more involved experience. That they are able to see, taste, smell, and feel certain sensations.

I remained completely detached throughout all the lifetimes I visited. I also couldn’t tell what time period I was in.

I described giving birth during my second lifetime. Valerie asked me if it was traumatic to feel that, but it wasn’t. It’s hard to describe, I knew in great detail what was happening, but I was just observing it.

I must be honest and stick to my sceptical roots, it’s hard to know how much of my past life regression was my imagination and how much was my subconscious memories.

One thing I am sure of though, not all of it was my imagination. It’s hard to explain how I know that.

If I were to ask you what City you were born in, who your family members are and what you do for work. Your answers wouldn’t come from your imagination, you’d know them as fact. That’s what some of the information I was remembering felt like.

My past life regression session lasted a total of nearly 3 hours. It felt like a lot less.

It was a very interesting experience. I’d like to try it again one day soon to see if I can deepen the overall experience.

If you’re thinking about having your own past life regression, I would 100% recommend it.

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