Spiritual Awakening: What To Do When ‘Life’ Gets in the Way

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“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times. That is a spiritual awakening.” – Paulo Coelho

Hello Curious Soul, it’s been a while since I’ve sat down to write for this blog. How inconvenient of everyday ‘life’ to get in the way of that!

This got me thinking about the struggles that everyone likely faces when going through a spiritual awakening.

When life feels like a daily fight to remain present and act in your highest good. Honestly, it’s exhausting.

Hang in there, trust the process, and read on. In this article, I will share with you some helpful insights that might just offer the guidance you need with your own unique journey here on this Earth.

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What Does Your Spiritual Awakening Look Like?

Was it the result of extreme suffering? Or has it been more of a gradual process for you?

Or perhaps, you are on the precipice of a spiritual awakening now.

However it is unfolding for you, you are a part of something big. More and more humans are awakening and we are seeing a shift in consciousness which is all part of human evolution.

Congratulations, you are at the forefront of this conscious movement.

Sadly, mainstream society isn’t there yet. This presents many challenges for those who are awakening.

I recently read The Celestine Vision by James Redfield

You may have read his other books, the most notable being The Celestine Prophecy. If you haven’t, get it now, you won’t regret it, and you can thank me later.

James Redfield talks about transference of energy between humans in all of his books, he explains it in more detail in The Celestine Vision.

We all need energy. Energy is available to us in abundance when we connect to it via the source.

Most Humans don’t realise this, however. Instead, we tend to take energy from one another.

When you interact with another person, there is a merging of energy as you are both directing your attention (energy) to one another. Next, there is the question of who dominates that energy and it becomes a subconscious oneupmanship.

James Redfield explains the concept much better than me, it makes so much sense, and it is easy to see it unfolding in everyday life.

When you deal with unawakened individuals, they are subconsciously trying to take energy from you. If you are awakened, you will be doing your best not to pull your energy back from another but this leaves you depleted.

Don’t be disheartened though, it is possible for you to pull your energy from the source and shine brighter than ever.

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich. Spiritual awakening is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love.” – Lao Tzu

But What if You’re Stuck and Unhappy With Your Current Situation?

This is when you need to trust the process and be a little bit brave.

When my boyfriend passed away, I was stuck in a life that made me unhappy. I took extreme measures to rectify that. Fast forward 9 months and I’m living in a campervan about to embark on a European trip of a lifetime. #vanlife

Sounds amazing right? It wasn’t all butterflies and rainbows getting to this point let me tell you. I’ve taken some big risks, and I have no life plan beyond the next week ahead. This puts my anxiety into overdrive, and I have society snapping at my heels wanting to pull me back in.

You may need to take drastic measures like I did, or you might be presented with opportunities that will gradually move you to a different path. Either way, mindset is everything.


If you are ‘stuck’ in your current situation, ask yourself what’s really ‘sticking’ you there?

For years I fantasied about changing my career and lifestyle. But I came back to the same mindset and conclusion every time – What else would I do? This is all I know and I can’t earn the same money doing anything else.

I even looked online at jobs and took quizzes about what career I could do. Neither gave me any viable options.

OMG! I wish I could go back and give myself a big slap around the face to wake myself up to such limited thinking.

Ok, I get that the answer might not be readily available and I am not suggesting you just quit your job with no plan in place (although, that is exactly what I did).

What I am suggesting is that we start with your mindset.

What is really important to you? Don’t follow society’s answer for that, don’t worry about how you will look to others. Go within, remove all expectations, and then answer yourself, what is really important?

Allow yourself to consider what society would call ridiculous possibilities. Get crazy with your ideas, don’t laugh them off, write them down instead.

Don’t let money or wealth have any influence over these ‘crazy’ ideas. Completely ignore the financial side for now, money is how we stay trapped. Imagine money is no issue.

Could you sell your house and live in a van like I did? Or move to the Country you’ve always felt called to live in? Really question what it is that is actually stopping you.

What excites you? Comment below and let me know.

I encourage you to break free of limited thoughts and beliefs.

It’s when you do that the real opportunities present themselves to you. And they will, I guarantee it.

Related Post – How To Use Mindfulness When Navigating Difficult Life Issues

Look Out For the Signs and Synchronicities

When I began my journey of spiritual awakening, stories of incredible synchronicities would fascinate me.

Gradually, as I was opening myself up to these signs, I started getting some pretty amazing nudges myself.

From letters in the sky, number plates, and even a namesake of my Mum (in spirit) appearing on my Birthday.

These synchronicities are a language, but it’s the easiest language to learn. All you have to do is notice them.

I know how daft that sounds believe me. I was told over and over that I just needed to raise my awareness of these signs and they would happen more.


Well yes! It’s actually true.

To start with, I thought I was reaching. Making things fit in order to view them as a ‘sign’. Deep down I had a little voice that kept saying ‘You’re making it up’.

Soon though, I started to see signs and have synchronicities happen that defied all rational thought. They just couldn’t be explained.

I can only begin to tell you how exciting that is. I have finally learned the language of the universe. All I had to do was notice.

That’s all you have to do too.

Share with me in the comments recent signs and synchronicities you’ve had.

Related Post – Synchronicity: Coincidence or Signs From the Universe?

Spiritual Awakening Doesn’t Happen Over Night

Nor is it a linear process.

The old saying of ‘one step forward, two steps back’ couldn’t be more relevant when it comes to spiritual awakening.

Stress and anxiety have pulled me back under in more situations than I care to admit.

As I said above, the process is not all butterflies and rainbows. But then what process is?

We are all guilty of holding the ‘destination’ in greater regard than the ‘journey’.

The title of this article is ‘What To Do When ‘Life’ Gets in the Way of Your Spiritual Awakening’

The answer is – Let it!

You will get drawn into dramas. There will be stress and worry even when you get to your current goal destination.

I haven’t been able to post much recently due to various other ‘life situations’ demanding more of my time than normal.

In fact, worrying about it gave me writer’s block.

As I am more spiritually awakened than I used to be, I recognised that I was putting the block on myself with my mindset, and there in laid my next article.

Nothing has changed except my mindset.

A Spiritual Awakening won’t change the world around you, only your perception of it.

Tune into the language of the universe, be aware of your mindset, and trust the process.

“A spiritual awakening is the most essential thing in a person’s life, and it is the only purpose of being. All other purposes are secondary.” – Deepak Chopra

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