
Synchronicity: Coincidence or Signs From the Universe?

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Are coincidences just random events? Or are they signs from the Universe?

Lets begin by understanding what Synchronicity means.

What is Synchronicity?

Noun – “an apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are casually unrelated”

Synchronicity is a concept introduced in the 1920’s by Carl G Jung.

Carl Jung was a Swiss Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist who founded analytical psychology.

Synchronicity is the term used for those experiences we have that feel too spooky to be just a coincidence.

Do you find yourself experiencing this from time to time and thinking ‘Whoa, that’s weird’?

Let’s look at some examples.

Synchronicity Examples

I was having coffee with a good friend of mine, Amy. She gave me a perfect example of a coincidence that was personal to her.

Amy and her Mum were having a conversation over Christmas. My friend was talking about some work she intended to do in her Garden and was struggling to recall the name of a tool she wanted to use to scrape moss. Her Mum identified the tool as a Hoe. Amy was also telling her mum what colour she wanted to paint her shed (sage).

Later that day, they were playing Pictionary. The very first card Amy got was a Hoe. When it came to be Amy’s turn again, the next card she got was a Shed.

There were over 200 cards in the game so it was a big coincidence the first 2 were directly linked to things they had been talking about a few hours earlier.

Personal Experience

I had not been sleeping well recently. Perhaps getting 4 hours a night. Unable to switch my brain off.

I angrily muttered to myself in the early hours one night, “please just let me sleep”.

The next day I got a free sample of camomile tea in the post. I didn’t think much of it at this point. I drank it that evening and had a good nights sleep.

The following evening was another sleepless night however.

The next day, I receive a delivery of a book I ordered from Vinted. The seller had also enclosed a camomile teabag in the parcel.

I paid attention at this point. Is the universe sending me camomile teabags in answer to my sleep problem? They seem to work so I am open to the possibility.

Should we accept these coincidences as completely random events or, is there more to it?

Other Forms of Synchronicity

1. Seeing repeating numbers

Glancing at the clock and regularly see the same numbers. 22:22, 11:11, 03.33, 20:20 etc.

2. Seeing the same image or symbol

Seeing the same image or symbol seemingly everywhere you look. Perhaps in a shop window, on packaging or even a tattoo.

3. Perfect timing

You hear about a job opportunity when you’ve been feeling stuck in your current role. You meet someone who is able to offer you guidance or support exactly when you need it.

Is There a Difference Between Synchronicity and Coincidence?

The fundamental difference between synchronicity and coincidence is the personal meaning assigned to the event.

The definition of coincidence is very similar to synchronicity but, in order to understand the difference, you need to look at the meaning and the circumstances.

Have you ever bumped into someone you know while out shopping? It’s a coincidence that you were both in the same place at the same time.

What adds meaning to this occurrence?

Perhaps you had been thinking about this person that morning. Thinking that you should reach out as you haven’t seen or thought about them in a while. Or maybe it is the third time this week you have randomly bumped into the same person in different locations.

What is the Significance of Synchronicity?

Synchronicities hold a spiritual meaning. It is believed that the events are not random and are indeed messages from the Universe.

How so? I hear you ask.

Carl Jung believed that synchronicities were as a result of the collective unconscious. A sign that something significant is happening in our lives.

They are linked to our own inner state, our own unconscious. I guess you would liken it to our individual unconscious sending out a signal that links to the collective unconscious and, that collective responds.

It’s quite an incredible phenomenon pointing to the interconnectedness of all things.

Even the hard core sceptics amongst us must at one time or another experienced something that goes beyond rational explanation.

How Can We Interpret the Meaning Behind These Events?

Sometimes the meaning will be obvious. My camomile tea for example, being a direct answer to my not sleeping problem.

What if the meaning is not so obvious though?

Here are 3 possible ways we can interpret less obvious meanings

1. Write down your synchronicities

Make a note of the date and time as well as what happened. If there is more than one synchronicity, making a note of them will help you spot a pattern.

Even something as small as the date or time could be relevant.

2. Take note of significant events currently happening in your life

Are you facing a choice? Should you take that new job? Or move to that new City?

The guidance you need could be the meaning behind your synchronicity.

Or perhaps you have already taken the new job and the guidance is the reassurance that you’ve done the right thing.

This can be linked to events in your life too. If a big birthday is coming up or, an anniversary. Perhaps you are regularly hearing a particular song that you associate with a departed loved one.

Or if you have just been thinking about them a lot lately.

If synchronicities are the collective answer to our unconscious. This could be the universe offering us comfort. Or even our loved ones sending us these signs to let us know they’re still with us.

If We Accept These Events as Guidance From the Universe, How Can We Experience More of Them?

We need to notice them

This sounds fairly obvious but most of us will dismiss these synchronicities. Have you been looking at buying a new car and then all of the sudden you start seeing that type of car more often? This is because you are noticing.

Keep a dream journal

Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, before you forget them. Paying attention to even the smallest detail will enhance your awareness of Synchronicity.

I wrote down a dream I had recently. It seemed irrelevant at the time. I had a dream that I had broken down in my car. That morning, I got into my car and engine management light came on.

I’d would have missed that link had I not have written down the dream as soon as I woke. I’d already forgotten it after my morning coffee.

Listen to your intuition

In society today, we are good at suppressing our intuition or gut feeling. We rely heavily on the internet to instantly answer our questions. We rely on Sat Nav for our journeys. Our intuition is no longer needed.

You need to start listening to your intuition again. Is your gut telling you to take a different route home? Or is it telling you to reach out to that friend you haven’t seen in ages?

By tuning back into our intuition, we will open ourselves up to more synchronicities.

Do you have examples of synchronicity in your life?

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