
What Are Soul Contracts And Do You Have One?

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Exploring the Blueprint of Your Existence

Welcome curious soul!

What brings you to my blog today? Do you think you stumbled across this article by chance?

Maybe you did…..Or maybe I am about to introduce you to a concept that will change your life.

You are exactly where you’re supposed to be.

What are Soul Contracts?

I first came across the concept of soul contracts when watching a YouTube series by Life to Afterlife presented by Craig McMahon.

A soul contract is a spiritual concept that suggests we map out the blueprint of our life here on earth before we are born.

This pre-birth plan is an agreement we make with our own soul as well as others in our soul group based on what we want to experience in this lifetime.

Now bear with me on this. My initial reaction was to scoff and dismiss it as nonsense. However, researching this with an open mind has led me to some fascinating ideas. Even though I still have a hard time believing some aspects, my outlook on life has undoubtedly changed.

In this article I want to explore the concept further. Imagine if we were on a predetermined path. Would it change your view on life and the decisions you’ve made?

Key Aspects to A Soul Contract

This is the agreement our soul makes before we incarnate into the physical body. We set out a blueprint based on what we want to experience and learn during this life time.

This plan will include all of our major life experiences, who we meet along the way, the impact they have on our lives and vice versa.

We usually decide on one or two main lessons we want to learn through experience.

Our soul group is a collection of souls who are interconnected. Usually, a soul group will all be on the same level in their evolutionary path. These are souls we have incarnated with in many life times.

Our soul groups are vast and interconnected. Perhaps your high school teacher is part of your soul group. You may not ever meet them again in this lifetime but if they had a profound impact on your life, it is likely they are part of your soul group.

This also goes for people who are sent here to test us. Maybe an abusive person or someone else that has done you harm.

Part of the soul contract can involve karmic lessons. This could be as a result of unresolved issues from a past life.

Imagine in a past life, you were the abusive person. In this life you may want to help or be of service to individuals that you did wrong by previously.

A karmic connection is a way to balance the energies and resolve lingering karmic ties.

Fulfilling the terms of a soul contract is seen as a means of spiritual evolution.

The challenges and experiences are designed to help us transcend limitations, gain wisdom, and move closer to a higher state of consciousness.

Despite the predetermined nature of soul contracts, the concept generally allows for the exercise of free will within the parameters of the agreed-upon experiences.

Individuals have the freedom to make choices and decisions that can influence the outcomes and lessons derived from these contracts.

What Lessons Are We Learning?

We all know that every day is a school day. We are constantly learning from the day we are born to the day we die.

You might then be wondering what lessons did we decide we wanted to learn in our soul contract?

My guess is, it wasn’t algebra.

Developing empathy and compassion for others.

How might we learn empathy and compassion? There are thousands of life experiences we can go through that can teach us this. Some examples would be:

  • A loved one having a life changing injury or illness and it is our job to care for them
  • Living in poverty
  • Having a career in care

Learning to love and accept oneself unconditionally. Overcoming self-doubt and cultivating a positive self-image.

How might we learn self-love and acceptance?

  • Overcoming addiction
  • Being born into the LBGTQ community (especially 50 years ago or earlier)
  • Having a physical disability

I believe patience is one lesson I am here to learn. I have always been impatient. Who doesn’t want everything done yesterday?

How might we learn patience and perseverance?

  • Experiencing setbacks and obstacles
  • Health issues requiring long recovery times
  • Raising children. Especially children with disabilities

These are just 3 examples but I’m sure you can think of many more. There will be hundreds if not thousands.

Why do I think this is life changing?

I’d like you to think back over your life so far and think of one specific event that has challenged you.

This could be the loss of a loved one, the ending of a relationship, losing your job or being diagnosed with a serious illness.

There is a high possibility you have a feeling of regret associated with the specific event you’re thinking of.

If you lost a loved one, do you regret not getting to say goodbye. Or not telling them you loved them enough.

The ending of a relationship is often filled with the regret of things said or actions taken.

If you lost a job, you could regret having not worked harder to keep it. Or you might regret not walking away from it before it came to the point of being let go.

Being diagnosed with a serious illness could come with feelings of regret for opportunities not taken.

Now imagine you had no control over the event. Imagine you had already planned to go through it in exactly the way you did. You had set this up for yourself.

Does that change how you feel about the regret or the situation as a whole?

Related Post – Soul Planning and Suicide!

How This Changed My View

Allow me delve deeper with this. Perhaps you can relate either directly or indirectly.

I lost someone I loved to suicide. Coming to terms with that was tough. So many what-ifs and unanswered questions. Generally finding it very difficult to accept.

If we pre-determine our life events, including when we die, then suicide could well have been part of a soul contract.

In my research, I have found this to be a grey area. Some sources suggest that taking your own life in fact breaks your soul contract and is not written into it.

However, Robert Schwartz, Author of “Your Soul’s Plan” and “Your Soul’s Gift” had an interesting take on this. Below is a quote I have taken from an article written by Robert Schwartz which you can read here. Your Soul’s Plan: The Deeper Spiritual Meaning of Suicide

Related Post – How Do We Know if We Are on Our Highest Path?

The Pit Holes

I really would love to believe we have soul contracts. It allows for accountability. It helps with acceptance and healing. It makes me feel part of something bigger and I take comfort in letting my life flow knowing there is a bigger plan in place. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.


I have one question that keeps niggling away at me.

Why would we choose to suffer?

I know life isn’t all doom and gloom, far from it in most cases. But there are some unfortunate individuals out there that really get a raw deal in life.

People who suffer in pain from illness, go through the loss of a child, or go through horrific abuse.

Why would they choose that for themselves?

The only answer I have been presented with when asking is this question is, “To learn”. Perhaps as the result of a karmic connection.

Put simply, a karmic lesson would suggest the individual had done bad things in a past life and chose these experiences now in order to balance the energy.

I’m still not 100% on board with that answer.

I keep coming back to the question of why? If we choose our own experiences, surely they’d want to be kinder to themselves? Learn through experiences that don’t require such suffering on a human level.

Perhaps comprehending it is simply beyond the capacity of our human minds.

After all, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below. Or get in touch via my Contact page.

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